I am not suggesting all of our characters have to do that or should do that, [@Norschtalen]. Inspiration should be awarded for acting out character flaws, bonds, traits or plot elements even at risk to themselves, for better or worse. Those does not mean another character should not have been awarded it [i]if[/i] they handled a situation brilliantly in character or in the most charming, charismatic fashion. The example case is that based upon what we have known about Orchid, his character, what he does what he does and why, he is a qualifier for it and that is why I suggested it. None of the other characters would have or should have attempted that and it was unclear what the intention was for us to do with the dragon short of fight it, presumably to the death. Thus far while the dragon hasn't come back, I sincerely doubt this is the last time we will see it; it already is none too fond of Parum, which is an interesting plot element for the future for her to act on and even better she's aware of it. Inspiration is not a contest, especially one where we have to blow for blow meet everyone else, but an incentive for playing a character out completely. In a way, mind you this is how I perceive it, [@Lucius Cypher] now has to either top his own effort previously [i]and[/i] make it again totally reasonable in character and not just for the sake of Inspiration [i]or[/i] now play out a completely different element of Orchid in order to try to gain Inspiration. And that is exactly how it should be, as by the time he is likely to do so in such a hypothetical environment, at least one other person should have carried out a major element of their character.