Deep beneath the earth, among caverns and tunnels crudely carved by stone and claw and tooth lay creatures most foul. Wretched, filthy and with a knack for finding themselves in the most precarious of situations, it is a wonder goblinkind has even managed to carve out a niche as the populace vermin humans of the surface consider them to be. Yet, for all their greed and vice, the goblins are a race of ambitious beings if nothing else. As they say, where there is a will, there is a way. This axiom will need to prove true for the sniveling green gobs of the recently crowned Muktuk clan. Separated from their main horde by a cave in totally unrelated to their own deviancy, this group of twenty or so individuals, under the leadership of Chief Muk Tukkish I, set off into the dark, damp underworld to establish a civilization even the prissy pink skins above would be jealous of! _______ [Hider=Rules] -Each round will consist of posters submitting actions for the clan to take. The most popular choice among the various posters will win out. -Don't post more than once a round.[/hider] _______ The tattered remains of clan Muktuk gather around their leader in the filthy wallow they have claimed as home. It is a fairly spacious cavern, devoid of much else than a few scraps of semi-luminescent fungi growing from the walls and a variety of rocks, large and small but none too good for eating, as many gobs quickly found. To the south of the cavern lay the crumbled remains of the tunnel which led these foul souls to their current living space, thick with rubble too heavy to move. To the north, three different tunnels branching deeper into the networks of caves the gobs call home, but none too explored. Hungry, impatient and utterly lost, the scraggly goblinoids look to their fearsome leader for guidance. What does he say? [b]Current Population;[/b] Twenty one goblins [b]Current Inventory;[/b] Nothin'. [b]Current Buildings;[/b] Nothin'.