[@Jedly] Your last IC post contains a serious inconsistency that makes me think that either you aren't paying attention even to what you write, or are trying to subvert the facts to gain some unfair advantage. Namely, a few OOC pages ago, you wrote this: [quote=@Jedly] [@KoL]Erm, I think the Stryker cavalry has yet to leave the premises of the guild hall. Or is this 105mm gonna be able to pen a sanctuary too? (Not quite sure if the guildhall is a sanctuary). [/quote] to which my reply was: [quote=@KoL] Some of them left after Cypher's last post. They are the ones being attacked. Your post and his are just confuse in establishing an action flow. Either way, the gun does have range to shoot almost anywhere within about half of the city, when combined with the aircraft's movement. [/quote] All of this on order to avoid being within the firing range of the gunship. Thus, I avoided attacking Paper Moon or any of the War Machines that weren't under fire on my 1st post using the attack plane. All of them which, as I remarked, were piloted by NPCs and none within Paper Moon's sight, given that (as per your own declaration) he's still at the Black Sanctuary during that post. In fact, Paper Moon isn't even close enough to Arms Slave to see the War Machine teleport that building into the sky. That post of yours is basically 100% invalid. You won't use word tricks to gain an advantage that's unjust over the rest of everyone else. The fact that is not only you, but a sizable part of the players here who are blatantly not reading others' posts before replying, twisting words, not paying attention, trying to do obviously illegal actions, plain out cheating, etc, makes me think that you guys really don't care for the story at all beyond your own full of cool things and unhealthy need to always win. It's becoming grating to have to do this at least once per most of everyone's posts. To come here and call an edit, I mean. Especially when this annoyance could be avoided if people decided to do 02 simple things: [b][color=red][u]Pay attention/Read before posting and play fair [/u][/color][/b], is that really that much to ask for?