So this wasn't fun. I had to write this up on notepad on Ipad because my laptop was broke. Then I had to rewrite the entire thing because it decided to close on me just as I finished the Bio. Yeah the bio was longer but this gets the idea across well enough. [hider=Lucius Pennyford] Name: Lucius Pennyford Age: looks about 27, actually born in the 1570s Gender: Male Species: Vampire Appearance: Lucius is 6' high and relatively lean, he has dark brown hair and green eyes, his face is shallow and clean shaven with the typical pale skin most vampires have Personality: Lucius is a two faced individual, on one side his is polite and courteous, on the other he is slightly insane and scheming. Lucius loves the finer things in his unlife such as reading and smoking. He can also become sadistic, usually when hunting his victims although he hasn't really had the time to cause any real harm over the past few centuries so he keeps himself in check. Lucius believes himself superior to humans in every way. Weapons: Lucius keeps a iron knife on his person, although it's generally used for his victims over potential attackers. Power: Lucius has control over bats, he can influence swarms with general orders or a single bat with far more complex tasks Guest/Worker: Guest How you intend to use your humans: mainly for hunting and torture, with that obviously comes feeding Relationships: N/A although if you ask any human, they would likely include his father, also called Lucius Bio: Lucius was born in England in the 1570s to a noble family where he was trained to be a economist and a money-lender,although it was not to be as he was infected by a vampire after a ball in the kings court when he was about 27 only a few years after he had began his trade. Realizing most would consider him a monster, he fled to the countryside before returning to his family estate when he was sure they had died. After eliminating any potential competition to his claim on his families wealth, Lucius set up a money lending business called "Pennyfords Lending Company" to further his wealth. He operated the company for most of his unlife by pretending to be his own successor, usually after faking his own death. Due to the need for a new wife every 60 years or so, Lucius became tired of the general idea of love and simply stopped , this was around the 1980s however so very few people suspected his vampirism and most simply assumed the company was passed from father to son with very little legal discussion. After several centuries of running his company, Lucius grew bored and decided he wanted a holiday, this was when he found the Supernatural Hotel, Lucius decided he would make visiting the place a habit,if he was happy with it's service of course. Other: Lucius has an old pocket watch on him at all times [/hider]