[hider=Boletarian Empire] [center][b][h3][color=steelblue]Boletarian Empire[/color][/h3][/b] [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Flag_of_the_Armed_Forces_of_Moldova.png[/img][/center] [h3]Nation Overview & Government[/h3] A sleeping land with age-old traditions and ways of doing things whose rise happened in association with the decline of neighboring rival powers, most prominently the Zellonian Empire. Across the sweeping plains of Boletaria lay vast fields tended to by serfs and the peasantry whilst the nobility resides within their grand estates. Here, the feudal way of life remains so entrenched within society that only until recently have they begun to slowly become undone. Serfs, little more than indentured workers are as tied to the land as cattle, and with almost as few rights whilst an entrenched nobility holds all the trappings of wealth. The Boletarian Empire is an old nation with old ideas, A Tsar rules the realm in the name of absolute monarchy and divine mandate. The House of Veliko have ruled the Empire for 5 centuries with the current Tsar Alorik II being the natural continuation of the Veliko dynasty. [h3]Ethnicity[/h3] [h3]Geography[/h3] [hider=Map Claim] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KbpNgeC.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [h3]Culture/Society[/h3] The Boletarian Empire is by large an agrarian and rural society. [h3]Economy/Industry[/h3] What resources do you import and export? Is your strength in industry or agriculture? Do you produce anything especially coveted or unique? Geography will play a role here. No state is wholly self-sufficient. [h3]Military[/h3] We aren’t looking for numbers or pinpoint-accurate troop demographics; please do not include them. Give us an overview of your military: What does your fighting force do well? What kind of equipment do you use? How is your army organized? Do you have a color scheme? You are free to embellish this section with famous regiments, battles and historical commanders. Have fun, but be sensible. Technology should reflect the early Napoleonic era or the later 18th century (Keeping it simple, just don’t go beyond 1815) and portray the norm, not the exception. [h3]History[/h3] Self-explanatory. This doesn't need to be long; just informative. We encourage players to collaborate and create shared history, in fact, it is almost necessary. No nation exists in a vacuum. [h3]Relations[/h3] As above. Collaborate with other players. [h3]Characters[/h3] Optional section. Put any info about any special characters here: kings or queens, military leaders, and hero “badasses”. [/hider] WIP