[h1][b][center][color=plum]Ade Daybreak[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Ade Daybreak] [img]https://animeaudiolog.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/maoyuu-maou-yuusha-09-big-sister-maid-in-tears.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr][sub][center]Interacting with : [@dabombjk][/center][/sub][hr] [color=plum][i]Idiot![/i][/color] she thought to herself as soon as she hit the ground. When she looked up there was a guy standing right in front of her. He started talking casually about how she got here. She was scared that they were going to do something to her. She had been a stow away and stole a little of their food. Then he introduced himself and handed her a loaf of bread. However, what confused her most was the fact that he said she could have just asked to join them. What was he planning to do with her. She repositioned to be sitting down then looked back and forth from the bread to Kieran. After a moment she snatched the bread out of his hands and started scarfing it down. She scooted a little ways back from the man before speaking, [color=plum]"I'm Adelinde."[/color] She looked away from him. She didn't want to tell him why she was here. She had to say something though because she may be in danger if she doesn't say anything. Meekly she said, [color=plum]"I want to help fight those monsters."[/color] She then looked up at him and the expression in her face showed severe anger. It was obvious there was more to it than just wanting to help fight.