Matija had finally felt fresh and clean. No more of that sticky and disgusting feeling. Now, she felt more alive than earlier. With that, she grabs most of her rappelling gear and headed straight to the cargo bay, one of the largest area in the ship, and started practicing flips, runs, and walks with her gear. After [i]asking[/i] for permission to anyone around there of course. Hours later, she, along with the others, had been ordered to the war room – a command that she couldn’t help but roll her eyes to but had to abide to, for now. She sluggishly headed up with her equipment in tow while tugging on to the belts on her body out of habit. In the war room, Stryker said something about detouring for another member before continuing the briefing. The parts where she was not required bored her, but she tried to listen in anyway until the hologram of the mining station appeared in front of them. [color=burlywood][i]”Typical,”[/i][/color] she said to herself while studying the hologram in front of her, until they talked about something called the “Planet cracker.” She focused her attention to the hologram, and half to their plan. [color=orange]”…you engage immediately and leave no survivors.”[/color] Matija’s interest was finally piqued, and that interesting bit of info helped her retain attention throughout the briefing. She only reverted her attention somewhere else when the ship jolted when they docked in wherever they are right now and then immediately left a little after. [color=orange]”So where were we? Oh yeah questions.”[/color] The siren furrowed her brow, wondering where she might get assigned to. She vaguely remembers something about a strike team or something. Since the Planet Cracker did not exactly fit her fancy, she thought that maybe she could just go and kill people or something. [color=gray]"Question. I may not be going on this mission and doing the dirty work, but does 'no survivors' extend to kids? I don't mean to sound like a pansy, but they ARE kids after all."[/color] She looked at Tibilus and thought of the same thing. But then again, why would someone bring children to a seemingly abandoned mining ship. She thought, [color=burlywood][i]”These bastards can’t fully control me anyway so if there are some stupid kids there, I guess I can just shove them in the lockers or something.[/i][/color] As always, Lataniva spoke with morbid detachment that made her smile out of amusement. She supposes that the slender woman would not get to where they are right now if she was soft or stupid. Still, she prefers to somewhat save the kids that she comes across, regardless of how slim that chance may be. But then the Blind girl ran out and she couldn’t help but think if she really was that squeamish, considering how [i]clean[/i] she seemed in comparison to everyone else. Matija couldn’t help but subtly hiss out [color=burlywood][i]”pathetic”[/i][/color] in between her teeth in slight disgust. [color=darkgoldenrod]”Soo... Captain. Which team do ya' need me and Skelly for?”[/color] [color=burlywood][i]”Oh right,”[/i][/color] she said to herself as she perked up again and raised her hand enthusiastically. [color=burlywood]”I wanna be in the strike team!”[/color] she chimed excitedly until her request has been acknowledged. [color=orange]"Alright, everyone dismissed… Get your gear in order and be ready to move when we hit the system. Anyone who needs an ammo top-up, see Grayson in the Armory…. Be ready to move,"[/color] said Stryker to everyone before leaving them to their own devices. [color=burlywood]”Aye-aye, captain!”[/color] said Matija with a salute as she eyed the man out and headed towards one of the terminals a little after. It was amusing to see Lataniva struggle, too. [color=burlywood][i]”Guess she doesn’t go out often,” [/i][/color]the siren smiles to herself while Lataniva and that one guy helps her out. She too, tries to butt in to help whenever she could, but she found herself rarely needed since that weird guy was more than capable with customer support. [color=burlywood]"What's you're name?"[/color] she said, as she stared up at the man. [color=burlywood]"Wait. Don't answer that. You're pretty handsome and you look like a Jack to me."[/color] With a moment of contemplation, she beams at the man and chuckles [color=burlywood]"You're Jack now, 'kay?"[/color] When they were done, Matija went through the catalog and placed an order for one box of 7.62 gauss bullets and two boxes of 45s. [hider=Tagged][@Crossfire][@Banana][@PlatinumSkink][@Rultaos][@Xandrya][@Dark Light][/hider]