Kaito Fen’s arms slowly dropped as the four massive figures took shape before him, his eyes widening within his mask as he straightened, listening to the strange, nonsensical music coming from Grey Skies. Once, adrenaline had been coursing through his veins, but for an entirely different reason. Now, he felt cold sweat at his skin as terror began to set in by those large incomprehensible beasts that took shape. Four massive creatures that threatened to break his mind with their constant shifting and writhing upon themselves. And despite the terror – and the dread realization that now began to set itself into his bones – he smiled. This was exactly as he hoped. A spectacle like no other, a fight that would awe everyone in the crowd, and there was his chance, growing before him. He knew there stood two choices before him now. To lay down and give in; to fall without honour. Kaito Fen wouldn’t do that, it wasn’t in his nature. He had too much honour to lay down and watch defeat creep upon him. No, instead he would stand before those dread creatures and fight them with every ounce of skill he had in him; the skill he would display, he knew, was both beautiful and deadly, ferocious even, yet against this… well he knew what his fate would be. Yet he smiled. Grey Skies’s magic would be sorely tested before he was done, this he could promise, and when he fell it would be in such a way, in such a magnificent show of will and courage, that he could already see the jaws hanging from the onlookers as their eyes dampened. The fall of a hero against unlikely odds, against these four creatures of shadow. Then, as the creatures began rushing him from all sides, he closed his eyes and breathed deep. Darkness enveloped his mind’s eye and at its center, a focal point, wherein he concentrated his entire being – the form of two swirling dragons, tumultuous in their rage, unparalleled in fury or power – and a deadly barely contained calm settled upon him as he took the stance of his most deadly dance. Wrath of The Twin Dragons.