[@The1Rolling1Boy] The problem I have is that your back story doesn't make sense. Mainly down to wording and what not. I've made some changes to it but there are parts i don't understand. [hider=changes] Chinoki never knew much of anything beyond a laboratory or a military base. So one day in her late teenage years she snuck off the base and into the 'real world'. She was amazed at what she was seeing. As she was exploring she came across a ship that had crashed in a clearing. Someone had left the door open and wanting to explore the ship, she snuck in. She looked around the ship curiously, it seemed alien to her but all she had known was the inside of the base. So seeing something like a ship out in the open was not a common occurrence. As she was exploring the ship she found what she thought was someone's body. But after checking it out she discovered it was only an old combat suit. One that she did not recognise from the base she had snuck out of. Being the Teenager she was she ended up sneaking out whenever she got the chance to. Exploring the ship with each new visit. She later learned through her parents and other people in the base how to go into the ships' databases. Learning through her new found skills about the original owner's information. [/hider] [hider= Part I don't understand] One day she ended falling asleep at the control panel while reading through PDAs but she ended up getting caught by someone but since her parents died the month before in an accident in the laboratory she couldn't get turned into them instead got turned into the person in charge of the base who later on becomes her trainer and teaches her how to actually fly a ship like the one she found. Once she was old enough to join the military she did so. With the help of friends who were previous members once she got her suit, she got multiple gifts like add-ons and mods for it, one of her favourite ones is an energy sword that she got from a family friend who would visit her multiple times a day has much has they could after her parents died. [/hider]