[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] Cait watched as the black haired woman picked up a dead rabbit from one of her contraptions, showing it off as if proud. For a few seconds, the orange haired woman just stared before she finally managed to gather herself together enough to give off a look of pure fury. The orange haired woman yelled a sentence at the other woman that approximately translated to: [color=orangered]"What the hell is wrong with you?!"[/color] before heading over to a tree and feeling like she was about to puke. What sort of evil person murdered smaller creatures purposefully? Was it some sort of twisted religious ritual? After a minute of calming down, the shorter girl collected herself. Chances were the black haired woman was from somewhere where such a hideous act was acceptable or even encouraged, meaning that this woman was some sort of barbarian. Perhaps it was a simple difference in who they were - the black haired woman's hair refused to glow no matter how far into the night they were. Still though, the other woman was obviously intelligent and capable of complex thought. Perhaps she could be educated? Approaching the other woman, the orange haired girl tried to collect herself and remain calm as her eyes avoided looking at the dead creature ... [color=orangered]"Why ... so small?"[/color] Gesturing to the little thing, the woman tried to act more neutral this time around although she was clearly disturbed.