Paul, and Stella charged towards the enemy back lines allowing Hiling Care to take over the frontal assault. Paul's brain surged with only one thought: To kill his traitorous bastard he once called his 'brother' at one point. George had been Paul's confidant, his companion, his fellow soldier, and his dearest friend. That all went to hell he tried to kill him at London and he gave no prior showing of that notion before hand. He just up and left him one day without a second thought...after trying to impale him with a beam saber....and then no that was the past now was the time to prove to him that he made the biggest error he had ever made in his life that day. [color=fff200]"Lieutenant I'm not questioning your tactics sir but shouldn't we be following Captain Hiyan's orders?"[/color] Stella asked as Paul glared at her face on his screen, [color=00a651]"No the battle should be perfectly fine on their end. A bunch of turrets shouldn't stop a well trained army of soldiers. George's men are delaying that's all. Now shut up, and stay focused! We're cutting off the snake's head!"[/color] Paul growled as he checked out his power gauge...75% wasn't optimal but it was passable. He'd need all of it to kill that fucking asshole. As Stella and Paul landed on the docks they came face to face with a group of Zaku all of which aimed their weapons at them Stella looked at them unsure about what to do as Paul moved Raigo forward. [color=0072bc]"Where's the CUNT you call your ace? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?"[/color] Paul demanded as he raised his beam rifle at the Zaku. [color=ed1c24]"Nice to see you too bro. How's the marriage going?"[/color] George said as he mae his presence known to Paul who glared up at him and then to his surprise saw what he hadn't expected. [color=0072bc]"A new model?"[/color] Paul growled as George kept his cool despite the situation at hand. [color=ed1c24]"Yep new model. Call it Savior Gundam. We got a whole new line of the fucking things. This is one of the better models. I see you got one of them yourself. No idea where you got a Gaia Gundam but yeah that's a thing too. Must be a different fucking universe. You know-"[/color] George said as Paul shot in his general direction forcing him to cut off the conversation and return fire. Stella wasted no time in engaging the enemy Zaku. [color=0072bc]"You're a fucking DEADMAN!"[/color] Paul roared tired of his speech the mere fact that he gave George the chance to speak was only because he was assessing the new suit. Paul tried to charge in shooting viciously at George's Cockpit, and arms to attempt to disable them in order to get in a killing shot. George dodged leaving nothing to chance using his anti-beam shield to his advantage. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah I kind of suspected you'd say that. To be fair I get why you're so pissed off. So fine let's settle this!"[/color] George said as he returned fire. Stella was quickly able to overrun the enemy Zaku as the soldiers in them were clearly less than skilled and she surpassed them on a genetical level due to her status as an extended. However a big surprise came in the form of a giant bolt of energy shot at her which she barely dodged in time. [color=92278f]"I'm afraid I can't let you interfere."[/color] came a voice as the form of Gundam Virtue came into view. Stella was confused didn't they have Virtue in the docks and why was it firing at them!? [color=fff200]"I'm not going to let you kill me! No you're going to die!"[/color] Stella growled as they charged forward shooting at the big mobile suit which blocked with a GN Shield. [color=662d91]"How pitiful...fine then let's fight if we must."[/color] complained the pilot as they adjusted Virtue as the two began to battle. George and Paul began their furious battle as they clashed shot for shot, and dodge for dodge neither of them really had an advantage on the other. Paul, and George knew each other's tactics like the back of their hands. Paul was aggressive but controlled, and George was wild, but at the same time precise he preferred experitmental tactics. Paul charged bobbing, and weaving the enemy's shots. He used his high energy beam rifle to try and end Paul's offensive only to be met with little success. Paul on his end sent out a call for the Sundown to ready his close combat package on the ready though a quick press of a button on his seat. He also returned fire with his own rifle a bit more precisely than George's forcing him to stay on the defensive. However soon Paul, and George had to engage in close combat as Paul dropped his rifle and grabbed his Beam Saber igniting it and slapping away a beam shot with the saber, before blocking another with his shield. [color=ed1c24]"Oh yeah almost forgot you had that superior genetics shit... fuck it I'll figure out something."[/color] George grumbled as he tried to use his M106 "Amfortas" Plasma Beam Cannons to try and destroy Paul outright. He didn't want to kill Lyons because if he Jason certainly wouldn't be able to be talked down after that but he knew that if he didn't go all in he was screwed. Paul spun around the shots and countinued forward slashing as George's shoulders and destroying one of the M106 "Amfortas" Plasma Beam Cannons. George quickly bounced back firing his CIWs at Lyons which hopelessly bounced off Raigo's PS Armor. [color=ed1c24]"You know it's annoying just how advanced that god damn system his. It matches my variable phase shift rather well! It took us a long time to analyze the systems of Aegis to make a similar set to the Raigo."[/color] George said as he used his own Vajra beam sabers. Lyons clashed with George as their sabers ignited in a shower of sparks. Paul tried to engage George in close combat, but was met with a stalwart offensive and he even lost the bottom half of Raigo's Shield. They slashed, and clashed with one another desperately jockeying for an upper hand on the other. Paul slammed the remaining half of Raig's shield into George's main camera and then went for a cockpit shot which was blocked Geoge slamming his own shield into Paul's left hand stopping him from slashing at him. [color=0072bc]"You always were a pain in my ass!"[/color] Paul growled at George who smiled in his own cockpit. [color=ed1c24]"Oh yeah like the time where I saved your ass on half of our missions. You know I don't hate you Lyons. I really really don't. This is hard for me!"[/color] George admitted as Paul's eyes lit up in rage. [color=0072bc]"Maybe you should've considered that after London you fucker!"[/color] Paul roared as he slashed off Savior's right forearm along with it the beam saber after a deft parry and a quick flick of Raigo's arm. However in the same vein George used his good arm to blow off some of left shoulder preventing it from being used for much. Paul, and George broke off as Paul fired his CIWs at George who blocked them with his own shield. Paul landed on the ground picking up his beam rifle after dropping his shield and shot furiously at George who dodged but the majority but a shot took a chunk off of Savior's main monitor. [color=ed1c24]"Damn!"[/color] George growled as her switched to his secondary monitors for combat having his main camera lost would be a big disadvantage. Paul sent a signal to the Sundown to launch his close range pack now. He needed to end this fight quickly. Flying forward Paul tried to fire singular but accurate shots at Raigo. George dodged all of them he was too skilled to simply be brought down by a few well aimed shots. [color=ed1c24]"I'm not going down easy Lyons!"[/color] George said heatedly he was now aware of the danger he was in. Paul knew he well enough that he knew his movements. Where's Paul seemed to have changed up his skillset from the last time they clash. George had learned a few new tricks as well. George however was now geting a sense for his movements. Paul's movements were the same each time he dodged, and nothing special or fancy. Standard mobile suit fare however they were quick, and precise. Which meant he just needed to target the areas he'd knew Paul would be in. [color=ed1c24]"I got your number!"[/color] George said as he fired off his M106 "Amfortas" Plasma Beam Cannon that he still had left at Paul. Paul dodged but then George fired a rifle shot at his wings damaging the speculum pack that kept Paul in the air. Paul grunted as his suit shook. [color=f49ac2]"Lieutenant Lyons PLEASE you can't keep going like this. Systems read that Raigo has suffered heavy damage! Fall back!"[/color] Baker said over the communications system apparently Jason has bypassed Raigo's codes and made his signals reach Raigo. [color=0072bc]"I don't care he's a dead man!"[/color] Paul said his reason gone being expended between his boiling blood, and his rage. Baker was terrified as she looked at Paul's face contorted into pure unadulterated hate. [color=f49ac2]"But you'll die please!"[/color] Baker said practicaly begging Paul to stop but Paul ignored her knowing George wouldn't let up for another moment he had been dodging shots and had lost the top half of Raigo's main camera, and the left side of his cockpit had been slightly scraped by a beam. Paul charged towards George once more trying his best to dodge with his damaged suit. Paul however kept his guard up. [color=ed1c24]"It's not going to be that-"[/color] George began as suddenly his suit was hit from a beam rifle shot from another direction causing his remaining Amfortas to implode damaging his suit further. [color=fff200]"I got you Lieutenant! Kill the bastard!"[/color] Stella growled as she kept on her own conflict with Virtue which had resulted so far in a stalemate with the other unable to damage the other suit. Virtue's defense was too strong, and Stella was too quick to be hit by Virtue's heavier weapons. And those she couldn't dodge she blocked with her own anti-beam shield. [color=f49ac2]"Lieutenant please lis-"[/color] Baker tried to get through to Paul who glared at her, [color=0072bc]"SHUT UP AND LET ME FIGHT!"[/color] Paul growled as he moved in for the kill he slashed open George's cockpit on missing a kill shot because he backed away at the last second and then slashed the suit's legs off with a deft slash after once more switching back to his beam saber. George in turn shot off Raigo's right arm off with his beam rifle forcing Paul to slam his suit into George's who's open cockpit rocked with turbulent air. Paul used his one good arm to a destroy George's remaining arm as the two plummeted to the ground Paul broke off just before they hit the ground causing George to slam full force into the pavement on the docks causing a giant dust cloud. George was winded but unharmed despite some electrical circuits zapping his body before he turned them off. He felt a sense of vertigo and then realized how fucked he was as Paul dropped his beam saber and grabbed a Schwert Gewehr Kai from the recently arrived Caliburn striker pack that Yuri had thankfully sent out. He'd make sure he end George here and now. [color=0072bc]"NOW JUST DIE ALREADY!"[/color] Paul roared as he landed heavily on the ground and moved his mobile suit over to the trashed remains of savior. Raigo creaked in protest of the movement of the remaining arm on Raigo as he positioned himself above George who sat in his seat trying to get Savior to respond but his engines had suffered damage. [color=ed1c24]"If you're going to kill me do it as yourself jackass."[/color] George shouted in order for Paul to hear him but his voice held no malice in them. Just annoyance and defiance in the face of imminent death Paul wanted this kill to be satisfying. Paul raised his Schwert Gewehr Kai Anti-Ship sword over George. And then he plunged it downward and in the moment Paul felt relief. Then something rocked him back into reality. [color=f49ac2]"STOP IT! JUST STOP IT ALREADY!"[/color] came Baker's voice but that wasn't what had rocked him back to his senses. It was the fact that her hat fell off revealing a cascade of pink hair, and her voice changed no longer hiding who she was underneath the disguise of a military recruit. Tears were rolling down her eyes as she stared at the screen. [color=f49ac2]"You're not a're not. Up until now you've been fighting to protect this you're killing him just because you want to. That's not you...please....Paul...stop it...I begging you."[/color] Baker said shaking slightly as Paul held the giant anti-ship sword just inches away from George's face the beam would disintegrate Savior, and it's pilot if it were held a few inches close. [color=0072bc]"That's impossible are you....Lacus?"[/color] Paul said with disbelief as he stared at the face of Lacus Clyne the woman whom he had been betrothed to and married too by the rights of their fathers. Though they couldn't be anymore different, they still cared for each other on some level. George stared sweating at the giant sword positioned in his face as suddenly his communications device sounded off crackling as the device had been damaged. [b]"George! E--my forces are here! O---Rs? Lao's here!"[/b] came the voice of one of his zaku pilots as George's eyes widened. Of all the fucking times...[color=ed1c24]"Of all the fucking....damn it! Lyons! If you have some sort of reason left in your thick head then listen to me. General Lao is here and he's going to be gunning for both of us! We need to get back to the Capricorn before it's too late! We can't take him out with just Raigo! Call a truce with me for now. Then you can kill me later."[/color] George shouted up to Paul who barely registered the voice. Lacus, and Paul were still staring at each other as was a good portion of the Sundown's main deck as they realized whom their new recruit had been this entire time. Jason was one of the few who kept their composure. [color=f26522]"Send out a call enemy forces in coming from a hostile third party. Call down to the lower deck to prepare our secret weapon. Prepare it for launch. XO Calhone has the deck."[/color] Jason said getting up and adjusting his hat before growling and taking it off and throwing it to the floor and loosening his collar. [color=f26522]"We can deal with Miss Clyne's appearance later for now...I have a job to do."[/color] Before Calhone could argue Jason had already left and he scrambled towards the captain's chair. James, and Williams quickly began to send out a signal saying that they were ceasing fire with the ZAFT Forces they were fighting. [color=00aeef]"Ceasefire what the hell? Damn it..."[/color] Graham growled as he spun his damage flag around. [color=00aeef]"Looks like you get to live this time around Gundam."[/color] Graham said as he backed off. He and Allelujah Haptism had been engaged in combat for the better part of battle, and Graham had been saved from death by the timely arrival Elpeo Puru whom had forced Haptism's Trans-AM System back with a series of funnel shots. Between the two the dog fight had turned into a brawl and thanks to Elpeo Puru's newtype abilities she had been able to keep up with Haptism despite Kyrios's speed. [color=f26522]"Fine it's a truce then..."[/color] Haptism grumbled none to happy about the situation as he broke off and headed towards the southern lines where the new enemy was gathering. George on his part had managed to get out a signal for a ceasefire on his end too in order to stop the newly arrived enemy. Thought initially caught off guard against James's speed Harry Ord had managed to raise his own heat fan and block Jack's attempts to fight him off. He had then been assaulted from another angle by Sarah which resulted in his losing functionality of his right arm and having his suit damaged in the process. Despite this however he kicked Sarah away from her attempts to stab his mobile suit and then forced the Duel Gundam away with a karate chop. However he managed to slip away from the two of them. [color=fff200]"I applaud your warrior's spirit but you will not get the best of me for long."[/color] If it wasn't for his anti-beam coating he would've lost his entire right arm in the process. The Golden Sumo played a game of 'keep away' from the gundams in hopes that Kyrios would soon arrive to back him up. However before he could do much another gundam attacked him from behind. The suit had a rough look on it, and carried a massive mace like weapon. [color=fff200]"Damn it!"[/color] Harry said as his systems blared informing him of damage however he was saved when one of the enemy Zaku took a shot at the gundam with a rocket forcing the suit to back off however a mortar round quickly destroyed the suit in return. [color=39b54a]"Is that thing on our side?"[/color] grumbled Beta Leader as the suit landed on the ground. Then Jason's signal came. [color=00a651]"Guess that's a no....looks like we're gundam hunting boys break off the Zaku! Beta Four keep on them just in case look for any signs of treachery! Gundams on me!"[/color] Beta Leader said as he fired off his rounds towards the enemy gundam which easily dodged them and went right for Beta Leader. [color=00a651]"Damn this thing had a good reaction time! Must be one of those newtype fuckers! Where's the Lieutenant!?"[/color] growled Beta Leader as one of them informed him that Paul had broken off but his status was unknown and that Hiling Care's forces had just finished mopping up the Zaku, and turret units in the center when the signal came. [color=f7941d]"You're just another enemy. I have to get back to Orga though. It's nothing personal you're just going to have to die today."[/color] The enemy pilot said with a rather dull tone. === [url][/url] - Fifth Form