Parum could hardly believe what her ears were hearing. Was Kyra really suggesting they go after this dragon? What part of "We can't defeat it" do these people not understand? She commends their bravery but this just wasn't a good idea. [color=7ea7d8]"What? No! Don't be an idiot! We can't take on that dragon ourselves! We need to evacuate the people of Greenest away from here. This dragon is obviously raiding the village for treasure, and no one's life is worth risking over some gold and a few swords. I understand that you want vengeance, but you're only going to get yourself and others killed!"[/color] As Parum walked by something grabbed her feet. She hopped away just to see one of the solders. Or rather, his top half of him. His entire body was vaporized from the waist down and somehow he was alive. He tried to crawl towards Parum, but then he fell onto his face, dead. Soon Parum started seeing even more bodies moving around in various states of mutilation. It seemed like the dragon's lightning didn't kill all the soldiers. But it only made the survivors even more horrific. It was too much for Parum. The death, the fighting, the blood, the gore. This was nothing like the stories. It was just too much. She had to run back to the tower, running past Brannor and Orchid where she vomited in a corner. [color=7ea7d8]"There's no way, there's just no way... No way at all!"[/color] Parum cried as she leaned up against a wall. She was scared. This was just too much for her right now. When she left home on this adventure she thought she'd be ready for death. She's seen an execution before. She's killed a man once. She thought she'd be ready for it. But this? This wasn't anything like it. She doesn't understand how people could witness [i]a dragon[/i] lay waste to an entire fortress full of soldiers and still think they stand a chance. [color=7ea7d8]"What have I gotten myself into? I can't do this! This isn't right, this isn't fair! I'm not ready for something like this!"[/color] The halfling continued to sob quietly. She knew she was being a coward. But sometimes fear was the right responds. These people wanted to kill a dragon and she doubts any of them even possess a magic sword. She didn't want to resign her fate to a pointless death for the sake of heroics.