[color=a7a7a7]"Can do, can do."[/color] Tibulus heard his command and kept his comm open, pulling around the nearest moon with incredible precision and expertise, and he parked the giant ship in the shadow of the moon. He cut the engine of the ship, and dimmed down the lights so everyone could see what was going on while still remaining some form of stealth. He had the front of the ship facing the mining rig that the mission was at, and he knew what he wanted to do. With a smug grin, Tibulus went to the intercom of the ship and decided to be rather humorous at the time. [color=a7a7a7]"Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we have become stationary behind one of the moons, and in the overhead compartments you will find a brown paper bag that can be used for nausea. Thank you for riding with Revenant Space, and please enjoy this small break."[/color] After all was said and done, Tibulus went over to one of the lockers he had expected in his hours of silence before hand and pulled out a small robotics kit. Why was it there? He had no idea, but it had a bunch of parts and it was always entertaining to Tibulus to see what he could do with it. As he kept his comm open, he began to mess around with the kit, awaiting further orders. [@Crossfire][@PlatinumSkink][@Rultaos][@mackielars][@Xandrya][@Dark Light][@BKburke][@Tickout][@Turbowraith][@Azereiah]