[@KatherinWinter] James would wake up and yawn softly, stretching as he smiles and looks around. He was rather looking forward to what the next day has in store as he gets up. Neric coming out of his hand to stretch in his cat form and yawn in a way as well. The boy grabbing some clothes and getting around, but he couldn't help but remember last night. And even then afterwards he got to take her back to her cabin, or as far as he was allowed. The thought was on his mind as he chuckles, shaking his head. [color=black]"Seems you are enjoying yourself, and especially last night."[/color] Neric would chuckle as he walks over on his all fours, being a cat that's his only movement currently and as he wants. [color=yellow]"Oh leave me alone about it Neric, let me enjoy a good memory."[/color] He would say but with a smile, the Void going quiet as it turns into a cloud. Moving to his shoulder before the previous cat would turn into a raven on his shoulder. James scratching its feathers gently, checking himself over and making sure he is all good to go before heading out. Eagerly wanting to see what the new day had in store for them.