[h1]The Empire of Zellonia[/h1] [a coat of arms, flag or emblem of your country can be added here] [h2]Nation Overview & Government[/h2]: The Empire used to be a grand and mighty empire that was ever expanding and encompassing the continent, however after a series of revolts and continuous wars the empire slowly collapsed and became the small nation that it is today. It’s an absolute monarchy ruled by the Conrad family, currently James Conrad XVII sits upon the throne at 28. [h2]Ethnicity[/h2]: The people currently part of the empire are Zellonians and all speak and love their empire as one should. They all long for greater empire they’ve read about in history and will once again attempt reconquest in the near future. [h2]Geography[/h2][hider=Map Claim]Already have it.[/hider] [h2]Culture/Society[/h2]: Zellonians are a mighty people who’ve withstood countless struggles and are hardened by the natural prison the other nations of the world have surrounded them in. The Zellonian is naturally proud of their heritage and long to be great once more. The people of Zellonia are also natural survivors and fighters and have a strict military discipline and code. The people also worship the God Zeel a man who created the world and will one day allow the empire to rise once more. [h2]Economy/Industry[/h2]: The empire requires a great many things to be imported however the main industry of the empire is mining for ores and other materials within the vast mountains. While food is hard to come by in the harsh landscape the people are never short for iron or other metals. [h2]Military[/h2]:The military of the empire may not be massive but it is highly disciplined and it’s army often acts as a mercenary force for the crowns of other nations. While Zellonia may not succeed at much it’s military prowess and academies are unmatched by any in the world having been the first to use muskets in battle and creating an entirely new order of battle around them they have served as the beacon for all military men and nations. [h2]History[/h2]TBD [h2]Relations[/h2]TBD [h2]Characters[/h2]:Emperor James Conrad XVII