Had some doubt last night about the Green Goblin as a good idea for this game, and thought of scrapping it for another hero concept. But, tonight I'm back on track.[list] [*]I now want her father to have injected her with Goblin Serum to save her life from a rare terminal disease. [*]Since Phil Urich has been mentioned I was thinking of perhaps modifying the effects the Serum would have on my character. [*]One of the story arc's I might like to try writing/playing out is a 'Goblin War'. Hobgoblin and Grey Goblin would be involved along with maybe a new Menace, Goblin Knight and Goblin King. Hell, maybe even a [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/1/15776/812281-golden.jpg]Gold Goblin[/url]. [/list]