Man, there have been too many Widowmakers in each of my games lately. Did they sneak buff her or something? Or am I just unlucky because they're all surprisingly really good at her. First it was the annoyingly decent Hanzos and now it's all the Widowmakers who've been landing their headshots consistently. I've started instalocking Pharah every game because I expect it, but Pharahs are in every game too and I hate going Pharah v. Pharah. Eh, at least it means I'm making use of her golden gun (it's so pretty on her Anubis skin). [@Jacobite] I'm loving your take on Ana and definitely not because her and McCree have an apprentice-mentor relationship going on. But that's a big part of it. Regardless, that's an A+ interpretation on her and your FC is absolutely perfect. [sub]Your sheets are very intensely pretty and it's making me mildly jealous.[/sub]