[center][hr][url=http://fontmeme.com/fonts/english-towne-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170218/39a1252ae3053e4750f584fecff5ec89.png[/img][/url][hr][img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/b921/th/pre/i/2012/350/1/6/not_a_single_care_by_sunkaro-d5o9076.png[/img][hr][i]Particular Interactions involving [@Arcarius], [@Silver Fox] and [@Rithy][/i][hr][/center] Three others had joined since his own exclamation, Ja'Far's uncertainty about the future of his own sanity in this group made him rethink a little. The soldier, Tiberius was his name, seemed like a welcome addition. Ja'Far was a Batarian and therefore had much pride in his country's military and doctrine but no one could compare to strict Turian discipline. He could respect that but the male's cigarette choices left much to be desired. He looked at the small twig in his mandibles with disdain, the former Legionnaire bringing out another original Human Cuban cigar from his pack. He thrusted it forward unexpectedly, placing a cigar in Tiberius' hand and closed his fist before he could even refuse. He took a long drag of the three in his mouth, smoke rising from the various holes that made up his nose. [color=olive][b]"Thou hast ta try these, sweet and eloquent."[/b][/color] He grinned, tossing the fellow smoker the rest of his pack [color=olive][b]"Friend and comrade, correct?"[/b][/color] However, the Asari, now named Vella, seemed to be the reason for most of the awkward and exhausting situations he was placed in beforehand. And thus, she took the brunt of the blame for his exasperation. This was mostly due to her obvious idiocy and gung-ho attitude towards anything. As a Batarian, the very caste rules he was raised upon dictated that one must cover one's self in a veil of humility and modesty. A middle caste should always strive for higher placings in the hierarchy but they must see that they are inferior to all High Caste. It was literally beaten into him by his father as stepping out of one's place could quickly bring shame to a family name. So naturally, he was against any sort of person with the tendencies to act recklessly and talk loudly. Having Siarus around growing up prevented Ja'Far from being brainwashed by the Hegemony social system but he still viewed that one should stand proud but not act brashly. This Vella was quickly getting on his nerves but he couldn't help but feel a small tinge of fondness. The Asari was very similar to how his sister was, both in their maiden years and both springing with life. They both had the energy of an over hyperactive child but in a sense that was endearing. He had smiled slightly as she stepped forward before quickly covering it with a strict nod and a blank expression. No use putting past faces on current ones after all. Another Krogan, known as Skarr, had joined their midst, making Ja'Far worry that this assembled team would be more of a juggernaut on the front lines rather than the more covert small squadrons of light infantry that he was more used to working with. Not that the Batarian was any sort of coward and would refuse an offer to fight but his specialisation didn't allow for much hours on CQC. Still, he appreciated another heavy weapons frontman to take the aggro from him. His light barriers and light armour lacked the capability to take the brunt of sustained fire, hence his tactical cloak and reconnaissance specialism. He nodded, acknowledging the skill that the Krogan obviously possessed. The entrance and announcement of self by a new arrival brought Ja'Far's attention elsewhere. His eyes found themselves staring at a face of beauty. [color=olive][i]'Hmph, pretty female. 'Least by Turian standards.'[/i][/color] He could appreciate the attractive features of other species and was aware of how this particular Turian could be of great interest for many males. And females he supposed. Quite though, this small moment of appreciation was broken by Phalanx. He scratched his fringe. Ja'Far merely watched with lazy eyes as Vella tried to shut the AI down, it's monotone explanation of events happening prior was obviously dragging on for too long for the Asari. He merely sighed, content in letting Phalanx finish its long boring speech. As it finished, he was about to approach but was halted by the sudden interest the Asari had between Ellis and the newest arrival. She had a face full of hidden assumptions and questions that did not need to be voiced. Adding to that, she was clinging to the poor Geth who seemed entirely unaware of organic behaviour and no doubt confused by it. Another being approached the little gathering, a Drell who flickered out of the very air, a man by the name of Giles. Ja'Far wasn't surprised, his species were known for their skill in stealth and despite his announciation as an explosives expert, this man did not miss the basic training for all Drell brought out of their world. He once worked frequently with a former Drell slave from a close Penal squadron, telling him of how he was trained as one of the best by the Hanar. The Drell is no doubt dead by now, killed off in the defence and destruction of Khar'Shan. The former Legionnaire nodded at the man, someone of his expertise was valuable and his presence reminded him of his dead friend. Somewhat unstable in the mind but someone who was useful, resourceful. He would try and ally with him later, however, he had a certain Asari to deal with. The former Legionnaire approached Vella, breath clear of any smoke or smell due to Batarian biology, whispering to Vella [color=olive][b]"Thou eyes speak of great interest in what is happening during current times. However, may I offer that thou let go of Phalanx and mind thine business? History between the pair may be unpleasant and thine curiosity may bring questions to the table, questions that the pair shan't answer."[/b][/color] Snapping her out of her daze, he peeled her off the Geth and set her on to the ground. Turning his attention to his fellow sniper, Ja'Far bowed his head apologetically before placing a hand on it's shoulder. [color=olive][b]"Phalanx is thine name? I extended a hand of friendship, amidst the merry band hither, one must find common grounds with another. A fellow sniper perhaps. I trow that thine Pulse Rifle is of expert smithing. May I ask where thou bought it? And why did thou come hither out of Geth space?"[/b][/color] He was interested in getting to know the platform, if only for the reason that he would most likely be working with it the most out of everyone in the room. He noted any further interactions going in the background but waved them off, dismissing them as not important compared to the possibility of gaining a new ally.