[@Dead Cruiser] So, this character is unkillable, though if you destroy his body then a massive bomb goes off, he can control other omnics or machines and his ult has no counterplay aside from staying away from him? Not to mention he has radiation based abilities, meaning if he hits you enough times you're going to die and no one can save you, as there's no cure for radiation poisoning, unless Mercy's Caduceus Tech can? And even then, apparently the ultimate is unhealable. I do want to ask a question, though: if your weapon and ult can bypass shields and armor, doesn't that make them both pointless? Once a person's health is completely gone, they can't survive on shields and armour. They'll be dead, but well shield and armoured. 0 HP is dead, even if you still have armour or shields, both in the game and according to common sense. Honestly, the character is just incredibly unbalanced for a mainly Street level team fight style of game. I'm mean, look at the canon heroes. A lot of them just shoot laser guns, bows or revolvers. One only has a hammer. And then this character can kill anything with radiation and will level a city block if his body is destroyed. Obviously it's up to the GMs to accept this or not, but in my view, this really flies in the face everything that Overwatch is about. EDIT: His sheet also mentions that he was woken in 2042. The timeline for this version of Overwatch's present is 2017. [@Tominas] Well, aren't there only three Talon agents in the canon that we know of? Sombra, Reaper and Widowmaker. You're right, it will totally affect the team dynamics but it's not far from the source material.