You ever play the old Balder's Gate for Playstation? My roommate had it, and we played that game into the ground. We had a dwarf that was crap at everything but constitution that we used as a pack mule, then we had an elf with nothing but charisma in order to sell all of the crap we collected in the dungeon. Good times. The best was when we kept loading a character, giving the other player the most super-duper item ever, then re-loading them and doing it again. We had an inventory FULL of these black obsidian swords that we then used to get more gold than the game engine allowed. We also capped out our characters and found that if you jumped you could go just a TEENY TINY bit faster. Then we went through the game as far as we could without any armor or equipment. So for like 8 levels we were skipping (literally) around wearing just loin clothes and gauntlets and punching baddies to death. Good (and very stupid) times.