Maracun Cropman regarded Toony with the sort of suspicion normally associated with somebody lifting up the bun on a burger, folding his arms back in and resting them on where his hips might've been had his ancestors felt the need to evolve legs. Smaller antennae flicked to and fro in a rather jolly manner, even though the rest of Maracun's face looked sceptical, perhaps even annoyed. Interpreting alien facial movements without the aid of a guidebook wasn't an easy task, even for seasoned veterans of space travel. "[color=fff79a]I'm sure this, the clothes thing, that'll be taken care of, but we best be getting inside,[/color]" Maracun snuck a glance back across the bridge he'd snaked his way from, "[color=fff79a]we're on a tight schedule, got friends, uh, who want to have a word with you about this party...[/color]"