[@Dead Cruiser] Since everyone seems to be doing it, I'll chime in and say that I think I had rightly had qualms about the character, along with [@Jacobite], in the first place. But, I seem to not have the ability to post eloquent criticism on par with [@Sodomite], so I'll just say that I'm not comfortable RPing with a character whose only purpose is kill player characters. Villains really require something more than simply 101 ways to murder the heroes. I intensely second the fact that playing against him is going to be boring. What's everyone gonna do? Die? If you're a human the radiations just going to kill you. If you kill him the blast [i]and[/i] the radiation's going to kill you. If you're an omnic, he's just gonna make you kill yourself? I also really don't see the logic in this "Doesn't affect armor and shields, so it won't kill you" thing? Like, what's the purpose of armor and shields if something's going to bypass it all to get to the fleshy bits? Might was well be fighting naked against the guy, if that's the point. And if something has only minor radiation shielding, what happens to the radiation that seeps in? Oh, right, that's going to kill you anyways. Either way you spin it, there's no escaping the guy. This isn't okay and a lot of people already agree. And, at this point, we've all been reiterating everything. And I think [@Kaithas] puts it all together nice and bluntly: [quote=@Kaithas] But my overall consensus on the abilities was that he had an Instakill for Omnics, Humans, and support tech, while having essentially an ultimate as a weakness, being unkillable, and having a weapon whose only penalty (not cutting through shields and armor) was not a penalty at all because he didn't have teammates that would be affected by armor still on an opponent who managed to live to get away.[/quote]