Oh no! The other two had gone into the light leaving Baleg alone with the Igs who were brown and red. He didn’t want to be alone but he didn’t want to be left behind. With that mentality, he stood up and moved tentatively towards the light. Where it would take him, even he did not know. Though, he could of course think about it but that may require a tad too much energy on his part. Perhaps it was a party though! If it was a party then they’d be celebrating their birthdays. Nothing could go wrong with that. Could it? "Well, it is certainly better than being alone and it seems the others are going. Guess we don't have a choice," He muttered to himself as he looked up at the light then back to the other Igs. He didn't like leaving them alone. With a few more steps, Baleg went into the light above them and flew through to a white room. He landed with a hard thud, a bit stunned as he looked into ground at his face. It was odd, he knew what he looked like almost before he saw himself reflected in the floor. Though, the reflection was slightly murky, almost as if the white room itself stained it and made it hard to focus. But Baleg knew what he was like, that was all he needed. As he rose to his feet, his head swam and he stumbled, walking a few feet to the far right before falling over. What he hadn’t anticipated was falling into the very colorful gateway on that side of the room.