[@Overlord24][@Blueflame] [color=ec008c][b]"I don't care! I have been through met so many versions of Sans and Papyrus. I'm not about to back down and let you get hurt. You have someone you needs you Avary, I do too but you and Sabs are more important at the moment. NOW FLEE AVARY! go to shadow,"[/b][/color] Frisk says standing her ground. When she opened her eyes she saw Sans fall forwards, [color=ec008c]"Sans!"[/color] She quickly rushes to him and grabs onto him stopping him from falling to the ground, [i]I have saved Asreil. I have saved Gaster. I am going to save you now too.[/i] She softly smiles holding him in her arms not caring if he was melting like the monsters in the true lab all she wanted was to help him.