[@alisdragon911] John had knocked Sam's gun on the ground, and then tried to shove his long hunting knife into the merc's chest. The knife jabbed into the vest Sam was wearing. It dug into the merc's skin. It was uncomfortable. But the one thing it didn't do was draw blood, or kill or mortally wound Sam. The vest protected him from the blade, just as it did from the bullets before. John had noticed the fox girl, but paid her no mind, assuming she would be a typical bystander and just watch. He noted her ears. She must be some kind of experiment, like the eyeless boy probably was, but that kid tried to help. Sam on the other hand, was too focused on killing John, or at least injuring him enough to capture him as prisoner. Sam didin't even notice when he had his back to her, trying to fight of John's knife as he was trying to shove it into his neck now.