[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjBhNzU0ZC5SR0ZwYlhsdmJpQk1iMjVrWlEsLC4wAAAA/dr-sugiyama.regular.png[/img][/center] Daimyon's hastily scribbled idea went down surprisingly well—so much that Shona decided to build onto it a bit by adding another entry to the plan and suggesting that they showed it to everyone else sometime later to split and organise the group's tasks better. For a moment the poet imagined what would have happened if she had not reached for a separate bookmark and instead had written straight into his notebook: for no one has done so yet in all the time he carried it with himself. And that was a lot of time. He could not quite remember when he acquired the notebook, only that it has been years and that he kept it with him through every single day. Not like he would have minded Shona being the honorary writer to break the tradition—her handwriting was beautiful. These were but momentary thoughts before he snapped back into reality by the knight's farewell. Ever the busy lady—with a mind not as prone to plunge down the rabbit hole as the poet's—, she left to investigate other places. Daimyon wished her good luck, then went back to his own search. Equipped with a whole bunch of concrete questions to answer, he hoped his next round around the library would turn up similarly concrete results this time... It did not. That is not to say it was completely fruitless—he found a book titled ‘Roads Less Travelled’, authored by none other than Tekhartha Mondatta, the Infinite Monk who was scouring through his amassed books on the other side of the room. Daimyon let out a hearty chuckle at the find. What a small world. He read into the book: it was about new outlooks and perspectives on Zen Buddhism, written for people who otherwise did not have the time to absorb such teachings. The main claim was that anyone could find their inner peace, it was only a question of finding the right method. The poet did not consider himself religious and knew very little about Buddhism, but the premise alone made him happy that the book existed. And that its author was among them! Naturally he brought the book over to him, just to show as a finding. [color=SeaGreen]“Looks like your fame reached far and wide, my friend,”[/color] he said. [color=SeaGreen]“Well-deserved, I say!”[/color] He wondered if he was going to find one of his own books in the expansive library. He did not have many, truth be told. The largest obstacle keeping him from putting together collections was the fact that he wrote everything in his notebook and reorganising and copying them into a book format that could be sent for editing was something he has simply never found the time and energy for. He much preferred to attend literary gatherings, readings, events where he could interact with wonderful people and find the next dose of inspiration. In a twisted way, the above description fit his current situation as well. He was locked in with more than a dozen bright and talented personalities, each driven by different motives but working towards the same goals. It did not get much more inspiring than that! He would have likely stuck around in the library and read some of the books he picked out were it not for a sudden and distinct ring coming from the open area of the resort. After an ear-splitting few seconds the static cleared and a voice rose to address...Daimyon? [i][color=hotpink]“U-um... Mr Poet! I'm Caora, and we found a book you might like!”[/color][/i] [color=SeaGreen]“What the...Caora?”[/color] he could only utter this much in surprise. First thing's first, he was not aware of an intercom system existing outside of the monitors Monokuma used. Second, it was even stranger that the little boy was the first one to find and use it. [i][color=hotpink]“Wait, what do you mean you dont have it?! Fang! You didn't bring it?! U-uh-oh...”[/color][/i] [color=SeaGreen]“Any idea where he could broadcast from?”[/color] He turned towards Mondatta, then let out a small sigh. [color=SeaGreen]“Looks like I'll have to find him. To you I leave the rest, friend, and I wish you the best.”[/color] [i][color=hotpink]“Can we talk to each other over this thing? Hello? Poet?”[/color][/i] At the fountain again, Daimyon looked around as Caora's last words went down and a crack signed the end of his ‘message’. Last time he saw the boy was when they carried Isaiah; he was at someone else's room then, close to the resort entrance. That was still his best bet. Stepping through the gate again, he found not Caora but another person—Shaun. He caught the web designer in the exact moment he was going through his door. He called after him, which understandably startled the young man. His expression gave off a timid ‘leave me alone’ vibe, and the poet almost felt bad for stopping to talk with him. [color=SeaGreen]“Shaun! I don't mean to interrupt, but do you know by any chance where Caora went? It appears that he wants to see me...”[/color] [center][@Ariamis] [@Vocab][/center]