[color=orange]"I'm not anticipating needed any one of you to go any lower into the station than the cargo bay you'll arrive at. The ship's weapons should be enough to take out the lasers. I suppose it'd be better safe than sorry, if you can fit some form of demolition charges in your loadout, I'd say take them along just in case, but assume you'll be sticking with the rest of the boarding party, clearing out the upper levels"[/color] Stryker said in response after Benny asked which team he was supposed to be on. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Aye aye, Cap'n! I'll be sure to bring things to make a day at the office more excitin'. I'll try to lay off on the nerve gas though, in case some of you don't have filters or rebreathers, heheh."[/color] Benny said with a chuckle, remembering that he had managed to make at least 2 airborne biohazard charges during their trip. He was a little disappointed he wouldn't be using them but he figured he would get the chance to do so on a later deployment. [color=darkgoldenrod][i]I need to see if they work as designed, after all. And it would be stupid to test that on our ship... Though I could test out the spike-grenade idea I've been having after we get back from Helsin...[/i][/color] Benny was distracted with the new explosives ideas he was having as the meeting continued. He barely noticed two new faces, Grayson and Maxi enter the room. Though he glanced at them, made a mental note that the new guy with the glasses looked stupid, and then proceeded to stare around the room caught in his own thoughts as Stryker explained the mission to them. [color=orange]"Alright, everyone dismissed. Get your gear in order and be ready to move when we hit the system. Anyone who needs an ammo top-up, see Grayson in the Armory. According to this, there's a keyboard embedded in a wall hatch alongside the armory door, type your requests in there and he's supposed to get a notification on the Armory terminal about it if he's in there. Be ready to move"[/color] Stryker announced as he left with one of their combat drones. Benjamin stretched his neck around a bit as he walked out of the room. He decided to get a head start on the requisitions in case a line formed there later. Approaching the terminal, he punched in a request for 150 standard assault rifle rounds, 20 shotgun pellet rounds, and 4 Alliance-issue fragmentation grenades, and 3 remote-activated High-explosive charges in case he needed to destabilize the mining facility if things went bad. Once it had been confirmed, he went off to change into his BDT Specialist Suit, grabbed his RWC-BR7 (along with all 3 attachments), slipped on his L32 wrist-mounted laser, collected a few of the explosives he crafted during their trip (2 cluster grenades, 2 EMP grenades, and 1 of his Acid charges), and keeping his helmet tucked under his left armpit he joined the others in the shuttle bay. The cyborg, Arex appeared to be assisting Lataniva with her comm unit. Benny found it amusing that she was struggling with a simple device even though they seemed very capable with matters concerning fighting and killing. The cheery woman, Sandra, was also chiming in and seemed to poke a bit of fun at Arex by insisting to call him Jack for whatever reason. The new arrival, the weird guy with the glasses, seemed to have just finished scanning the others with something that vaguely resembled a basic medical drone, as he went off to the side. Benny quickly grabbed a comm unit and slipped it into his ear before putting his helmet on. The comm unit felt uncomfortable pressed against his ear and the BioVisor helmet's interior, but he didn't have much of a choice. He shrugged it off by telling himself that he suffered a lot worse discomfort when Skelly was first installed on him. Without much else to do but wait for the deployment order he sat down on one of the boxes, pulled out the frag grenades in the front pockets of his suit, and fidgeted around with them, knocking them together, tossing them around in the air to the point of juggling them for short periods, and even tapping them on the front of his helmet just to see what kind of vibrations they might make inside. Needless to say, he was already getting bored. Then, the comm systems of the ship came to life and Benny half-expected Stryker to be speaking to them again. But to his surprise, it was their skeletal pilot talking through it. [color=gray]"Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking, we have become stationary behind one of the moons, and in the overhead compartments you will find a brown paper bag that can be used for nausea. Thank you for riding with Revenant Space, and please enjoy this small break."[/color] He said Benny got up from his box and stretched out. [color=darkgoldenrod]"I sure hope our job on that mining station is a lot more intense than tha' way we got captured and dragged onto this ship in tha' first place. I've been itchin' for some real excitement ever since I finished makin' some new toys"[/color] He said to no one in particular. Benny had no idea what they were going to run into on the station, but he figured it had to be a lot more fun than spending another second sitting down inside the Revenant. [@Crossfire] [@Tickout] [@mackielars] [@PlatinumSkink] [@Dark Light]