[b]Avatar Class:[/b] [color=royalblue] Warrior | Berserker [/color] [b]Avatar Title:[/b] [color=royalblue] Assault [/color] [b]Avatar Level:[/b] [color=royalblue] 7 [/color] [b]Avatar Profession:[/b] [color=royalblue] [/color] [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] [color=royalblue] [/color] [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [center]Achieved[/center] [color=orange]Lvl 1- Heightened Reactions: Active Ability | Duration: 1 Round | Cooldown: 1 Round Lvl 2- Active Ability | Cooldown: 1 Action Lvl 3- Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds Lvl 5- Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds Lvl 6- Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds [/color] [b]Avatar Feats:[/b] [center]Achieved[/center] [color=orange]Lvl 3- Power Strike: Increase all damage done by 15% Lvl 4- Readied Mind: Increases your ability to react to your enemy. Lvl 5- Atlas Fist: An unarmed attack in which the user unleashes a punch of incomparable power. Deals heavy damage and knocks the foe a far distance. Lvl 6- Cadet: Enables you to use a two-handed gun. Lvl 7- Unburden: Your equipment, regardless of what it is, no longer encumbers you or your agility. [/color] [center]Unachieved[/center] Lvl 8- Mirror Edge: Each of your basic attacks acts like two, with the second blow coming from a random but potential angle of your attack. Lvl 9- True Strike: An activated ability where your next attack pierces through your enemy’s defenses, doing its full damage.