[b]Avatar Class:[/b] [color=royalblue] Rogue | Assassin [/color] [b]Avatar Title:[/b] [color=royalblue] "Sabotaur"[/color] [b]Avatar Level:[/b] [color=royalblue] [/color] [b]Avatar Profession:[/b] [color=royalblue] [/color] [b]Avatar Guild:[/b] [color=royalblue] [/color] [b]Avatar Abilities:[/b] [center]Achieved[/center] [color=royalblue]Lvl 1- Active Ability | Duration: 1 Round | Cooldown: 1 Round Lvl 2- Active Ability | Cooldown: 1 Action Lvl 3- Active Ability | Duration: 2 Rounds | Cooldown: 3 Rounds [/color] [b]Avatar Feats:[/b] [center]Achieved[/center] [color=forestgreen]Lvl 3- Assassination: Sneak attacks do double damage. Not applicable if already in combat. Lvl 4- Grim Stride: Your movements make no noise. Lvl 5- Silenced: Your weapons make no noise. Lvl 6- Smoke Bomb: You release a blinding cloud of smoke, disabling anyone’s ability to see within except you. You are effectively in sneak mode, but still susceptible to getting hit if someone tries to attack. [center]Unachieved[/center] Lvl 7- Moar Dakka: Allows you to use two-handed guns with one hand. Lvl 8- True Sight: Allows you to detect enemies and allies within a large area of yourself. The range is shorter when moving or fighting. Can detect invisible targets if actively searching for them. Lvl 9- Death Walk: Each time you kill an opponent you can chose teleport a short distance away or to the next enemy nearest, both with a maximum range of 20 feet. [/color]