[center][h1][color=Red]Arex[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]The Revenant.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] Mid way through his earpiece demonstration, without so much as a hint of hesitation, a subtle pause or tiny stir Arex whips out his tech pistol and aims it back at the small scanning robot. Holding the pistol in his right hand he didn't miss a beat as he continued to show the Dalentian woman how to use the earpiece. Slowly he tightened his firm grip on the trigger so it sat teetering on the verge of firing, the fine line between silence and chaos, ready to go off any second should the robot not stop scanning him. Turning to meet the owner of the robot, and growl a warning at the man he had not yet seen. Arex was instead surprised to be confronted by a young bright and bubbly alien looking girl staring up at him. After a brief conversation with herself she renamed him Jack and maybe even flirted a bit before suddenly disappearing just as quickly as she appeared. [b]"Right, Jack it is."[/b] he said as she departed giving her a small smile and nod. Left a bit confused, he was about to turn his gaze to Maxi when his eyes passed over Amy as she arrived. He couldn't help but pause for a second to see how the blind woman was going. After a pointless nod of acknowledgement Arex mentally cursed his own stupidity and went back to his attempt at threatening the robot owner. As if the pointed gun at a near point blank range didn't give enough indication of his thoughts, the deadly tense and serious aggression in his intimidating cold stare should have made things obvious. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Tibulus's voice boomed over the ships speakers interrupting him with his bit of pilots humour. In a flash he whipped out his second pistol and put a short burst of bullets into the speaker before Tibulus could even finish speaking. The pilots voice was replaced by the hissing fizzle and crack of the broken speaker. [b]"Right!"[/b] he groans with a faint sigh. With one gun still on the bot his second raised up to to see Maxi. [b]"If you wanna know what's inside me I'm gonna find out what's inside you! Fairs fair n all. Problem is I don't have no flashy robot, just these."[/b] A sickly sinister grin sweeps across his lips and agitated face as he gives a little wiggle of his gun to make his point clear. Before Maxi can reply Arex notices the man juggling grenades. [b]"Are you fucking serious!?"[/b] He yells at him in disbelief, lowering his guns and shaking his head.