[h1][center][color=00aeef]Cavan[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [color=7bcdc8]"Stay safe you two, a fight might be on our hands soon."[/color] Aquamarine's warning stayed in Cavan's mind, heavily affecting his thoughts. It had been years since Cavan had seen any real combat with a formidable opponent; The past five thousand years had consisted of weak, corrupted gem monsters ravaging through nature before being quickly subdued by the Rebellion Gems. While the other female Gems had gone to war with these creatures, using immense feats of strength and power to poof and bubble them, Cavan had always been the softest of all the fighters. Violence and betrayal had experienced plenty of time in the lime-light of Cavan's life. Instead of brutally conquering these lost Gems, the Cavansite instead opted to gently sooth them into their gems with his voice. The soft, mesmerizing qualities of his songs were more than enough to put any weak-minded gem into their place, and corrupted Gems were far easier targets. Once they had been gently poofed, Cavan always bubbled them with the most extreme care before sending them on their way to the temple. One day, they would find a way to restore them to their former glory. Eventually. [color=8dc73f]"C'mon Caven, lets go see our new exper... I mean, friends."[/color] Marry corrected herself as she drifted gracefully over to the warp pad, placing a portal base on the wall. The Moldsvite waited patiently for Cavan to join her on the warp pad. [color=00aeef]"Let's just hope to the Diamonds that they aren't all hard-headed warriors."[/color] Cavan didn't even notice his outdated, possibly traitorous, colloquialism. He had spent thousands of years in the service of the Diamonds, so his time standing apart from them was relatively short compared to the duration of his service. He joined Marry on the warp pad and activated the beam. The duo instantaneously appeared in the darkness of the Kindergarten, illuminated only by soft, red service lights. He followed Marry through the tunnels, trusting her sense of the underground to lead them to where they needed to be. Finally, they emerged into an expansive cavern where a variety of Gems were engaging in all sorts of activity. Gems were poofing and reforming, questioning each other, exploding out of the earth, and challenging one another, however it all seemed to be focused around one particular gem. [color=8dc73f]"Newborns! Its been awhile! I'm Marry, and I'd like to welcome you to Earth! If you have any questions, just ask."[/color] Marry strode into the cavern with an air of grace that conveyed soft harmony. Cavan followed behind her, however he immediately began picking up on some questionable emotions emanating from the group of Newborns. While a variety of emotions was certainly to be expected, some had qualities that unsettled him. The Clinohumite was by far the most dominant emotion-wise of the newborns. She was loud, proud, and heard by all around. She was eager and boisterous, and Cavan couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. Most of the other Newborns were mundane as far as emotions went, with varying degrees of confusion, wonder, fear, and uncertainty, as was to be expected from recent Emergers. However, before Cavan could say anything else after Marry, a much [i]older[/i] emotion washed over him. Contempt. It emanated from a more stable gem in the back of the group, standing near one of the active robots. Something about her unsettled Cavan, emanating an eerie sense of familiarity and harshness. [color=00aeef]"Marry, Sodalite, stay on guard."[/color] Cavan cautiously approached the group, he fingers gently touching the surface of his gem, ready to whip out a bola at a second's notice. Cavan stepped into the light and raised his voice, projecting it across the cavern to gain the attention of the entire group. [color=00aeef]"Hey, settle down! Newborns, my name is Cavan. It's wonderful to see you all emerging from the earth. Please, come forward; step into the light."[/color]