Marcellus sat in his room, stirring around a half drank glass of PatrĂ³n. He found this hotel comforting rather than living on his own. Though, he didn't want any emotional attachment. It was how he was. He heard the intercom across his room and smiled. Room service had just cleaned up his last mess. He walked over to his intercom and pressed the button. "This is Marcel. I'd like to request a human. Just give me enough time to get my tools ready." - Alucard sat in the lobby reading a book, waiting for a human to feed off of. He wanted to have some conversation. The good conversation had either left or had been sent to Marcel's room. He knew as soon as the shipment was in, he'd get a key and that what happened as a staff member walked up to him. - Addie woke up in a dim room suspended in the air in a cage. She moved to the bars, trying to pry it open but no luck. She heard some others stir around. "Is anyone there? What's going on?"