[center][h1][color=Red]Arex[/color][/h1][hr][color=gray]Location:[/color] [i]The Revenant.[/i][/center][center][color=gray]Interacting with:[/color][@Tickout][@Rultaos][hr][h2]***[/h2][/center] [i]'Well I mean, it’s my job as a medic. I don’t want to mess up if anyone gets injur...'[/i] Arex let out a sigh as his itchy finger squeezed the trigger. A short burst of bullets suddenly exploding out of his pistol into the scanning robot. While he listened, he paid no attention to enything else the man said after that. With his point made he moved on. The room was quickly becoming too crowded so Arex made his way directly to one of the shuttles. (Shuttle 1 on the ramp) Stopping just before he entered he looked back to Benjamin to speak. [b]"No offence Benny, but I'm not shuttling there with you and all your grenades. That one is yours."[/b] he says pointing to shuttle 2. [b]" Hope to see you there though."[/b] with that he disappeared into the shuttle.