[@ScreenAcne] Was the dwarf named Gimbe by chance? I've never played [i]WoW[/i] but we met this guy on RuneScape RP, and later he followed us to LotRO too. He was obsessed with two things predominantly: cybersex, especially with veins of a racemixing fetish thrown in (his dwarvish character apparently had a dungeon filled with elvish sex slaves in RS, and [i]apparently[/i] at least 2/3 of those elves were actual players, not NPCs), and politics/world conquest. Learning he had a WoW account was an incredible experience since he treated people over there the exact way he treated us on our MMOs:[list][*]enter a community as a right-eyed newcomer eager to learn the ropes[*]become buddy-buddy with whoever is the most powerful person in the community (powerful IC as in monarch characters, or OOC as in force of personality, didn't matter, metagaming wasn't beneath him)[*]try to become powerful by proxy, manipulating those powerful people and convincing them to give him special privileges and authority etc.[*]do something with this newfound power to piss people off; often trying to force ERP/smut on female players, or conquering other players' lands/castles[*]receive huge backlash from the community, because yeah, conquering lands is fine IC when your character is a greedy cunt, whatever, except he would always do it through sleazy means including metagaming and godmoding[*]cry and whine about how "attacked" he feels, express remorse and a desire to change so this won't happen again[*]be cool for about a week[*]do it again[*]get kicked out of a community?[*]find a new one; rinse and repeat[/list]Learning that he'd been doing this literally for [i]years[/i] was the final proof we needed. We chalked it up to psychopathy and cut ties pretty soon after that. https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17085921019?page=1