[center][color=F99B23][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/8NlGIxf.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/ab81be2f63ffaab6356f72f286bd787d/tumblr_n544eru9YE1syjjzho6_250.gif[/img][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/0df8fda616585bd12dc7f6f6e2863ddf/tumblr_ngj8i0qgRN1qhwprbo1_250.gif[/img][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7aaa82c0f6f832580cf0c929d8fb874b/tumblr_inline_odaszjxG971u2suyc_500.gif[/img] [h3][i]"What's life without a little fire..? Without a little... boom..?"[/i] ~ Raelene Fawkes.[/h3] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RR8G0TT.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Raelene Fawkes. [b]Nick-Names:[/b] Rae, Rae-Rae, Scorch, Fawkes. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Species:[/b] Human. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Junkertown, Australia. [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen Years Old. [b]Date Of Birth:[/b] 21st of October, 1999. [b]Scent:[/b] Ash, smoke and eucalyptus. [b]Appearance - Human (Eighteen Years Old):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/cf/e4/cb/cfe4cb86714ef88cfae1b374edd75267.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dD4YmkT.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual/ Straight. [b]Partner:[/b] None. [b]Ex-Partner:[/b] Jaidyn Evans (Best Friend). [b]Father:[/b] Damien Fawkes (Deceased). [b]Mother:[/b] Cheryl Fawkes (Deceased). [b]Guardian:[/b] Jamison Fawkes (Cousin - Admires). [b]Siblings:[/b] None. [b]Pet/s:[/b] Having rescued him during a rather bad bush fire that ripped through the outback a few years prior, which happened to have been started by her by accident, Raelene both owns and cares for a [url=http://previews.123rf.com/images/camouflage/camouflage1002/camouflage100200001/6389935-Curious-koala-Stock-Photo-koala-australia-zoo.jpg]beautiful koala[/url] named Kit which has refused to leave her ever since she saved him from the flames. [b]Other:[/b] Mako Rutledge (Faux Father - Admires). ⚜ [b]In-depth Relationships[/b] ⚜ [hider=Relationships] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/ac611c857daf1f761d5bdd17cc01aac0/tumblr_nzs2557hmw1rc6dooo3_500.gif[/img] [h3][i]"You really want to try me..? Go after my friends. Then you'll really see the world burn."[/i] ~ Raelene Fawkes.[/h3] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies ~*~ ♦ Unsure [hr][hr] [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [/hider] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/fcdbbb02af6afc5b0d5d528713a0ec00/tumblr_inline_nhhfvu0MNJ1qmlsya.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/LgJ9Yqv.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Personality:[/b] ♦ Extremely Spirited ♦ Stubborn As Hell ♦ Fiercely Loyal ♦ Blunt And Honest ♦ Heroically Sacrificial ♦ Viciously Tempered ♦ Exceedingly Flirtatious ♦ Extremely spirited, and a rather quick-witted young woman; Raelene is seen by all who have the luck of getting to know her to be both exceedingly compassionate, and caring in nature towards all those who show her that they are truly deserving of both her time and attention- the young girl not only waiting until they have not only proven their worth, but also until they have earned her respect and loyalty, before she allows them to see the ‘real’ her… the young woman herself showing nothing but the purest of comfort, and love towards those of who she considers not only her family, but also her friends. Considered to be exceptionally beautiful by many whom meet her; Raelene often tends to attract both the attention, and affections of numerous men, and while the rather passionate and suave young woman is unafraid to openly flirt, or at times, lead them on to get what it is that she desires, she is intensely faithful and fiercely loyal towards the one who has managed to steal her heart at any given time. An incredibly intelligent young woman, Raelene often proves herself time and time again to being not only quite the beauty, but also exceedingly capable of handling anything, and everything of which gets thrown her way- her strong and almost unbreakable fiery spirit, unbridled will-power, and passionate independent streak all helping the girl to rarely ever hesitate whenever it comes to standing up against another person; whether it be someone as simple as her friends, or someone of more importance such as her cousin and guardian, Jamison. Displaying an immense amount of courage, and a slightly heroic ability as a fighter when the situation calls for it, Raelene is never afraid to intervene and to put herself into the middle of either an argument or fight; the young woman extremely stubborn, and always willing to stand up for whatever it is she feels is right within her heart. Immensely protective over not only her family, but also those she considers to be her friends, Raelene more times than none takes any sort of threat towards them with a severity unlike any other; the woman intensely loyal to the ones that she both loves and cares for, she rarely ever stops to think twice before jumping into action- the rather reckless girl oftentimes allowing for her emotions to get the better of her, showing that she is more than willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe and well out of harms reach… even if it means having to put her own life on the line to do just that. Despite portraying a rather fierce, just and kind young woman, Raelene sometimes has the slightly dangerous habit of twirling the small blade which she keeps upon her person at all times, whenever she begins to get any nervous or anxious feelings; the young woman sometimes having to physically force, or consciously refrain herself from doing so whenever she is in the company of others. Quite the vicious little thing whenever she is pushed far enough, Raelene is widely known for being considerably tough; not only being able to take a physical beating from those who choose to come up against her, but also able to take a mental beating as well, and though her conscience does sometimes tend to get in the way of her actions, the woman has a mean streak strong enough to shake Australia- her (occasionally) well-kept temper leaving her a strong force to be reckoned with. [b]Likes:[/b] ✔ Australia's natural wildlife. ✔ Causing trouble and blowing things up. ✔ Barbecues and drinking with with her mates. ✔ Strawberry deluxe crepe’s (strawberries, cream, ice-cream, and nutella). ✔ Hanging out with her cousin, and her friends Mako and Jaidyn. ✔ Cooking for family and friends (though always seems to make a mess...). ✔ Spending time outdoors, and going camping with her mates. [b]Dislikes:[/b] ✘ Spiders of any kind. ✘ Cold weather (Australian standard). ✘ Spicy food (Curries, ect.) ✘ Clowns and garden gnomes of any kind. ✘ Lightning and thunder (fear of both). ✘ Being told what she can and can't do. ✘ Waking up in the morning. ✘ People treating her differently. [b]Hobbies:[/b] To be written. [b]Strengths:[/b] ⚜ Relentless and protective- willing to do what ever it takes, even if that means putting her own life on the line for the ones she loves and cares about. ⚜ Her looks- unafraid to openly flirt and use her body for her own needs, Raelene has no qualms about leading people on to get what it is that she desires. ⚜ Extremely blunt in her words; Raelene is completely unafraid to call people out, or call things as she sees them, even if it ends with her getting into a fight, either verbal or physical. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] ☠ Extremely reckless, oftentimes seeming to show no care for her well-being or safety. ☠ Her cousin- the only family that she has left in the world, Jamison is one of the only people left that can truly get through to her; one of the only people she ever has a hard time saying no to, or defying without a good reason. ☠ Not afraid to speak her mind, or do what she needs to to get what she wants/ needs. ☠ Tends to allow her emotions to get the better of her. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] ♦ To be written ♦ [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e947477d44110165e3eb10dff1c629f/tumblr_n7320i5K0v1t7xz1ko2_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RwOcBMR.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Organization Alias:[/b] Scorcher. [b]Organization Affiliation:[/b] Junkers. [b]Base Of Operation:[/b] Junkertown, Australia. [b]Previous Base Of Operation:[/b] None. [b]Battle Type/ Role:[/b] Defense ✦. [b]Occupation (Currently):[/b] ✣ Junker. ✣ Explosives Expert. ✣ Thief. ✣ Criminal (has a sizable bounty). [b]Occupation (Previously):[/b] ✣ None. [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3dd2d0bcdcd969795a2cffec691e65a6/tumblr_n7rax7uOE51rynudpo9_r1_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yswazDo.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h3][b][u][i]Abilities[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Pyrokinesis:[/b] Exceedingly skilled in the more dangerous, and at times extremely unpredictable ability of pyrokinesis; Raelene is able to proficiently generate as well as both manipulate and control the flames of a fire- allowing her the ability to manipulate something as small as lighting and or playing with the flame of a candle, or something much grander as being able to shoot or cover her entire body with flames. [h3][b][u][i]Weapons[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Chain Hook:[/b] Her primary weapon of choice, Raelene both owns a sharp and deadly hook that is attached to the end of a very long chain which she uses to hurl at her targets, most times using it to hook into an enemies flesh, dragging them back and causing immense physical pain and damage to target, allowing her to bring them into close range for an easier kill. [b]Concussion Mine:[/b] Admiring and taking after her cousin, Jamison; Raelene both makes and uses homemade concussion mines of her own design- the mines themselves able to create a rather intense and concentrated blast that knocks back both the user and anyone else in the vicinity. After placing down her concussion mines, Raelene can trigger it to damage enemies and send them flying... or to even propel herself through the air, allowing her to leap to high places or surprise those she just wants to mess about with. [b]Steel Trap:[/b] Unafraid to cause pain and havoc, much like her cousin before her, Raelene is able to toss out giant, metal-toothed traps which (when stepped by foe, friend or civilian alike) clamps down tightly upon their leg, injuring and immobilizing them; the traps anchoring the enemy to the one spot and causing immense amount of pain for the one trapped in it's jaws. [h3][b][u][i]Ultimate Ability[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Wild Fire:[/b] A stronger, more concentrated and dangerous form of of her pyrokinesis; Raelene is able to produce intense white-hot flames from her body, the temperature of such flames able to reach such heights that, despite her well-known and extremely strong resistance to fire and heat, are able to both char and damage her body to the point that she will need to spend time recovering within the infirmary- this particular ability the cause of many a wild fire to rip through Australia. [img]http://static.tumblr.com/fb2208393e76f6c0a94e96722b8750a9/revssox/2kanl7mjl/tumblr_static_chuusnhmfsgs0o0cwk4s8wos8.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MsI85Ec.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Other:[/b] Serving as a reminder of the dangers that come with living the life of a Junker; Raelene, after an unfortunate though extremely serious accident that happened not long after her seventeenth birthday, has a mechanical left arm which was not only designed, but also made and is maintained by her cousin. Growing up surrounded by people who loved to not only celebrate and get together for almost any reason, but who also rarely ever said the word no or refused a drink whenever offered to them; Raelene has a simple need, and a strong love and enjoyment of both spending time and entertaining her family and the rest of her mates, often using this as an excuse to throw barbecues or cook for her family and mates whenever she had the chance, giving everyone a chance to just sit back with good food, good company, and a nice cold beer. Showing an extreme, and intense liking to not only beer, but also whiskey, and almost any other type of alcohol she comes across, the young woman is able to out-drink almost all and any who come up against her in a drinking competition, including her cousin. Though showing mass amounts of control over her pyrokinesis; Raelene does (on the rare occasion) have some trouble with control whenever she seems to get overly excited, scared or even flustered- her emotions causing varying effects such as causing her to heat up and smoke, or even have her hair flair up or burst into flames. [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/2018d34575c1deb628c0d44dbfa0e977/tumblr_ngr53yUdLp1rgmcozo1_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YgUNyg0.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE2GCa-_nyU]"Radioactive" by Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix (Cover).[/url] [b]Lyrics:[/b] [i]I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust, I'm breathing in the chemicals. I'm breaking in, shaping up, Then checking out of the prison bus, This is it, the apocalypse. Whoa... I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones, Enough to make my systems blow; Welcome to the new age, to the new age. Welcome to the new age, to the new age. Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive. Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh, I'm radioactive, radioactive.[/i] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/152c3d324bc77f34333000cfad8b3cff/tumblr_no6pvdEkII1qj9s7go1_500.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]