[center][h1]The Morning After[/h1] [@Fallenreaper] - [@DearTrickster][/center] [hr] Vellios was the first to wake naturally. His crested head turned and absorbed the scenery around, his mind letting the memories surface. The feel of Dex's carapace, her determined movements, and her teeth nibbling gently at his neck stood out like blinding light in the foggy mist of drowziness. He stirred into awareness. They barely made it to the bed after Vellios shut his quarter's door, making sure Serena didn't interrupt or complain of their adult activities which seemed to spoil her 'innocent' mind. His arm gently and smoothly slipped from underneath Dex's wrapped torso, the touch and closeness warming him pleasantly, before he began to sit upright on the edge of the bed. He had always been a earlier riser than his bed mates. It never failed no matter how exhausted he was or how long the night had become, it was like some hidden instinct made him get up. It was a fact he didn't mind since it left him to do things. Like focusing on giving his partners additional attention, gifts or treats when they rose. With that in mind, the black turian idly recalled he rarely did such a thing for Armis. Not because he didn't love her, but he never wanted to leave her side until her pretty amber eyes came to life with the morning. It had been the best part of his day and often a luring motivator to see her happy to see him too, enjoying the sense of being wanted. Casually he continued to get off the bed then padded off toward his clothes. He snatched up a still clean one, giving a brief sniff to check he was right, then pulled it over crested head. After getting his pants on, he left a note for Dex in the event she woke up sooner than he planned and asked her to remain in bed for a special surprise. With that, he left for a bit. [center][b]--An hour or two later--[/b][/center] Dex roused from her deep sleep. Automatically she checked her omnitool for the time, the orange digits reading she was awake a little later than usual. Clocking in about six hours of sleep for once. Stretching fully, now aware of the missing weight and crinkle of paper from Vellios' note. Digging the heel of her organic hand at her eyes, it read he'd be returning with a surprise. She hummed a little, deciding whether she wanted to move or not. Nothing comparing to how at ease she was. Her eyes roamed his room, their pile of clothes strewn about. She reached lifting up her shirt and pants and saw some stray knives on the floor. Dex squinted, "[color=007236][i]Really?[/i][/color]" Plucking the knives off the ground and placing them on the nightstand. She flopped back with a huff finally noticing the hammock high in the corner. She sat up squinting again talking to herself, "[color=007236]You can probably take a good couple guesses as to why but do you really want to know?[/color]" She sighed swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, looking for her boots noting again off toward the corner a suitcase instead of a gun case was unlocked and open. Her first instincts were to open it up and go snooping but she resisted, her foot bouncing as she stared down the suitcase. Debating how much time she had left before he came back and how mad would he be if she was caught. Her mandibles flicked uncertainly. A little peek wouldn't be a crime. She stood up pulling her pants on, hopping in place with the legs. Crouching before the suitcase she checked over her shoulder at the door, guilt hummed quietly in her subharmonics. "[color=007236]Just a little peek.[/color]" She promised herself. Lifting the lid of the case open, she looked down at the objects inside. A broken toy turian spaceship lay ontop of some stray pieces of clothing, she checked over her shoulder again then lifted some of the clothing to see a datapad displaying a small video, its backlight lit up when she lifted it out to see. It displayed a female turian with her two children, the children were young and being chased by who was behind the camera. A young boy, remarkably looking like his father while the young daughter was all smiles as well. It shakily caught the female turian smiling, speaking, the video on mute. Dex paused it, [color=007236][i]Armis...[/i][/color] then let it play again to see the two children. Their names unknown to her. The video continued to play, the camera catching Vellios briefly. He looked genuinely happy. The vid got a sad smile and hum from Dex. "[color=007236]What are you doing... I shouldn't be seeing this...[/color]" She whispered to herself pausing the vid and placing the datapad back into the suitcase. [color=rosybrown] "I've been waiting for when you'd ask, Dex,"[/color] Vellios' voice came through the doorway as he quietly entered, the entrance completely open as his figure blocked the view to the rest of the ship. He had in his arms an elegant display of some unknown, high quality food dangling from his hands,[color=rosybrown] "Could you help me a moment?"[/color] His tone held no sign of hurt or anger, but surprisingly a hint of acceptance. She froze with a start at his voice, turning to look at him over her shoulder. Guilt humming loudly through her sub vocals, her face flushed blue with embarrassment. "[color=007236]I am [i]really[/i] sorry.[/color]" She stood from her crouch and replied, "[color=007236]Help with what?[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Nay, don't worry about it. You aren't the first nor the last, and Serena did the same thing when I refuse to tell her what was wrong. I rather you merely ask though, because then you can get the story from my point of view and not have to fill in the blanks,"[/color] Vellios replied then gestured to the bags,[color=rosybrown] "setting this up? I mean, if you're still hungry that is."[/color] "[color=007236]Starving actually.[/color]" She said relaxing a little. "[color=007236]I've got a little something to confess actually. I uh-[/color]" She began, guilt humming through again. "[color=007236]First you'll need some context I suppose.[/color]" She took the bag of take out, sitting with her back against the bed legs stretching out against the floor. She patted the spot beside her, taking out the silver wrapped food, still warm. "[color=007236]Thanks for breakfast. Pretty sweet of you.[/color]" She said with a smile. Vellios, despite the awkwardness of the earlier bust, needed very little encouragement as he plopped down beside her with his own food choice. It had been a dextros chinese verison of sweet and sour chicken, though the taste had a bit more meaty flavor according to humans who braved it. He didn't bother with chopsticks since it would've been an exercise in failure due to them not being built to suit three fingered beings. He nodded,[color=rosybrown] "Well, considering you gave me a hell of a distraction, I thought you needed it. Two, I couldn't cook anything beyond edible according to Armis."[/color] He chewed a bit then added,[color=rosybrown] "So, let's get your bit out of the way then you can ask your questions. I think it might be best for you to have the air cleared about me before you find something that pretty much gives you bad assumptions."[/color] She winced at that, but chuckled a little. "[color=007236]I deserved that. You're not so bad yourself.[/color]" She grinned taking a bite, ripping off a long piece. "[color=007236]As for bad assumptions, we have my terrible ex to thank for that.[/color]" He lifted his brow plate at that and she continued resigning to revealing a bit more about herself. It was only fair with resolving the shit Gal told her about him, "[color=007236]When we landed on Elysium I made some phone calls to check-in with family. My ex, Galentos Lorthan, had been calling and messaging me every day since I joined the crew. I've been ignoring him, but decided to rip off the bandage to get the conversation over with. What a fucking mistake that was.[/color]" She said with disdain. "[color=007236]I used to work for him and his information brokerage as a spy, the jealous asshole decided to spy on the crew, figured out who I was sleeping with then vetted both you and Drono.[/color]" She tore off another piece of meat, anger rumbled through her sub vocals now. "[color=007236]How he figured it out is beyond me, he might have hijacked the local network for the ship remotely or found some old vid or audio bugs on the ship. Remind me to do a sweep.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "That will not end well for him,"[/color] Vellios said off handedly, then added,[color=rosybrown] "Especially when I was involved with people that would like to keep one secret buried and never come to the surface."[/color] "[color=007236]He mentioned he found some classified shit but never elaborated if he cracked it or not. He's already in hot water for messing with the Asari Councillor, a specter is investigating him now.[/color]" She commented with a satisfactory laugh. "[color=007236][i]Idiot.[/i] He took his temper out on me for ignoring him, then promptly revealed some personal shit with what happened with your family. Said you were the first suspect for the murders...[/color]" She stared down at the food in her lap. [color=rosybrown] "That is true. They first originally believed it was since I was a Haides survivor and considered I might've lost grip over reality, then murdered them."[/color] Vellios said calmly, his breath paused to watch her reaction and knew additional questions would came from that simple statement. Idly poking at her food, "[color=007236]I know you're not stable, but I [i]knew[/i] you didn't murder your family during an episode. Whatever the initial reports assumed your mental state was like during the investigation. I [i]know[/i] you draw some deep lines and hurting family isn't one you'd cross, no matter what.[/color]" Vellios set his food aside for a moment, his focus on her,[color=rosybrown] "Honestly, I really wished I had that much faith in myself. Haides surivivors are known to relapse and pretty terribly. There have been reports of recovered patients killing their families when they can't tell their memories apart from reality. It gets so bad, nearly all cases are put down when they reach that point. They never wanted to kill their families when you can't trust your mind... things happen."[/color] "[color=007236]It's not what happened. You found them, then a krogan became the main suspect...[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "You're right, but I'm still responsible for what happened. The Krogan killed them because of me and if I had remained on the Haides, killed him alongside Syberus then they would still be alive,"[/color] Vellios commented in a stoic tone while his back leaned back against the cold metal, letting the temperature fill his carapace. She paused squinting at him, she put her food aside to. Crawled forward to reach the suitcase digging out the datapad she was looking at earlier, playing the vid unmuted. She watched the datapad a little before replying, "[color=007236]I don't think they'd feel that way or want you to blame yourself. Easier said than done, of course.[/color]" Pausing the vid she said, "[color=007236]I spoiled the morning afterglow but as guilty as I feel, I'm glad I saw some evidence. A little slice, you were happy and probably have a chance at being happy again.[/color]" She looked at him, "[color=007236]It'll be different.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Avenged them, but blaming myself will never stop. Part of the reason I didn't want Haze to make the same mistake. When I killed the bastard, I think I pissed off a spectre who thought I was tossing away my potiental,"[/color] Vellios chuckled at the memory then nodded,[color=rosybrown] "I'm actually not sure about happiness. Being content is something I'm willing to live with, but happiness? Nah. In addition, no Haides survivor has ever died of a natural life span. There's only three remaining and at least two of them are hinting toward insanity."[/color] He gripped the side of the vid that Dex showed, his eyes softened then continued,[color=rosybrown] "There's nothing that makes me different from them and so I know what is waiting for me one day."[/color] "[color=007236]There's always hope at breaking the mold.[/color]" She said softly. "[color=007236]I can't see into the future.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Nor can I, but getting a bullet between my eyes isn't what bothers me. It's hurting Serena or you, or hell any of the crew, without meaning to.'[/color] She noted his mood had taken a nosedive as did hers at the solemn conversation, her mandibles flicked then elbowed his arm, "[color=007236]What are friends for if not for giving your head a shake or kicking your ass when you fuck up. Besides, progress is a real thing, the galaxy doesn't stop moving for anyone and neither should you.[/color]" Dex remembered distinctly what Tanya said about coping and moving on. She had the right idea. [color=rosybrown] "Why do you think I'm here flirting with you, though I admit rather badly right now."[/color] Vellios piped up to try to get a smile to surface from Dex,[color=rosybrown] "What do you want to know about me? Only one topic is off limits due to the fact, I think the Council would be a bit pissed over it being shared."[/color] She shrugged playfully, "[color=007236]I'm much better at keeping secrets than Lorthan. I actually want to know more about Armis and your kids, their names, what were they like.[/color]" [color=rosybrown] "Tiberan,"[/color] His hand pointed at the vid of a cheeky version of himself,[color=rosybrown] "My son who I believe tried to make his mother's carapace grey before her time when he mimicked everything he saw off the extranet. She wanted to limit his viewing but I pointed out boys will be boys, especially those related to me."[/color] Dex leaned against Vellios looking over his shoulder down at the datapad, smiling warmly. He then pointed to Killia, her carapace was lighter in color and pretty,[color=rosybrown] "That's Killia, my little girl. She was a year younger and followed after her mother, though much more timid. I have no idea where she got that but according to Armis, it was from her grandmother. Armis' parents couldn't tolerate me, but she didn't care. We settled on Gothic when she wanted a more stable place before we started a family."[/color] For a few hours, he talked animately about his children and wife, how Armis knew what she was getting into to the worries they had to look forward to in the future. His tale, gradually, tappered off when their murder had brought their lives to an abrupt end. During which he had started to eat his meal, now coolled, and enjoy the time spent with Dex. "[color=007236]Very lovely, your family.[/color]" Dex said having finished off her breakfast while he spoke. "[color=007236]It surprised me a bit when I first heard you had a family, considering your being here and our [i]arrangements[/i]. Certainly doesn't point to former-family man. Fairly... I should know better than to assume anything about anyone. Never have the full story at first impressions.[/color]" She said. Reaching behind her to grab a shirt checking her omnitool for the time. "[color=007236]Fuck, is that the time? I still need to talk to Firuzeh and do some pre flight checks, ah fuck me. Iosif is probably looking for me-"[/color]" She had gotten up getting her boots on, rambling away. [color=rosybrown] "I discovered individuals will surprise you. Both in good and terrible ways, something that can drastically affect your life or destroy it,"[/color] Vellios commented while he raised up, collecting the empty cartons then wrapped about Dex's waist with his arms. He nuzzled her neck and lingered there a moment, absorbing the scent then nudged her cheek in a loving gesture,[color=rosybrown] "If Iosif gives you a hassle, tell him it was my fault because I refused to let you leave. A fact I'm heavily considering trying to make real right now, but behaving on."[/color] She twisted in his embrace to face him. "[color=007236]Don't tempt me, Vellios. I can almost guarantee another hour spent with you is preferable to a grumpy co-pilot and navigator. Alas-[/color]" She dramatically sighed, "[color=007236]I must go. I'll let everyone know when we're leaving.[/color]" She winked giving him a squeeze, then nibbling just beneath his mandible. Vellios squeezed tighter, then roamed down her well shaped rear before giving it a good run down. The temptation gnawed at him and in his youth, he would've taken her on the offer and the consequences be damned in the end. However, harmony on a ship like this was preferred and he let go ever slowly,[color=rosybrown] "I'm not done with you but I don't think we want a drunken slav hauling his ass in here or doing a nose dive with the ship just to get your attention. Though can't say the change in gravity will ruin my aim much. So, date for another round later?"[/color] She chuckled, her face flushing a little blue stepping away putting a firm mechanical hand against his chest. "[color=007236]We'll have to see, I feel like you've paid your dues for being a hermit. See you at dinner.[/color]" She said and he had paid his dues. He patched things with Tanya and Haze yesterday, things were in a good place. Winking again making her exit, jogging off to the medbay looking to speak to Firuzeh firstly.