Captain Tabor Seitaron stood at the front of the bridge of the "Pride of Caamas," staring down at the rust-colored world below. The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser sat silently, its guns focused down towards the planet's surface, ready to pick off any ship that posed a threat to the fleet in orbit. "Report, Lieutenant," he called out as he turned to the bridge crew. The majority of the crew was clones from Kamino, and this was unsettling to Tabor. He knew that the future of the war against the Separatists was going to rely on clones, but he still wished that the Republic could avoid them as much as possible. It wasn't that he didn't value human life, or any life, for that matter, but he felt that an army of clones was just like an army of organic droids. The lieutenant, whose name was just a series of numbers, looked up from his station for a few moments. "General Yoda has ordered the troops to begin deployment. The fleet is to move in to low orbit and provide support." Tabor nodded. "Inform the rest of our squadron that we will provide cover fire for the troops on the ground." The lieutenant nodded and began communicating with the other three Acclamator-class assault ships in their squadron. Tabor walked to the back of the bridge to where the holoprojector sat. Around it were two other officers, members of Tabor's personal staff. In the back, standing against the wall and with the hood of his cloak up, was the Jedi Master assigned to the ship. "Master Halcyon, we have just received word from Master Yoda," Tabor stated. "The troops are to begin deployment. Will you be joining the ground force?" Nejaa Halcyon shook his head. "No, captain, I will not. Master Yoda has asked that I stay with the fleet to coordinate the blockade." He stepped up to the holoprojector and pressed a button on it. A hologram of a clone trooper appeared. "Is Master Yoda available?" The clone shook his head. "He is currently preoccupied. Do you have a message for him?" Nejaa nodded. "Yes. Please inform Master Yoda that the Echo Squadron will be in position momentarily." The clone nodded, and the connection cut out. Nejaa turned to Tabor. "How long until the transports reach the surface?" Tabor shrugged. "Not sure. Shouldn't be more than a few minutes, though." Nejaa's vision became distant. "Let's hope that they all make it to ground safely. Kenobi and Skywalker are relying on us." *** During the first ten minutes of the ground deployment there wasn't much activity beyond groups reporting in that they landed. Nejaa paced back and forth near the holoprojector. Tabor stood nearby, but his attention was on a display that showed the status of the blockade. There were eight Acclamator assault ships, along with ten Dreadnaughts, including the "Pride of Caamas." They had moved out to provide the maximum coverage of the planet's surface. None of the Separatist ships had retreated yet, which meant that the ground force had taken the enemy by surprise. Tabor turned to Nejaa. "Master Halcyon, I feel we should contact Master Airven. I do not like being kept out of the loop for this long." Nejaa said nothing, but he stopped pacing and activated the holodisplay. He pressed a few buttons and Master Airven appeared in the air above the display. "Master Airven," Nejaa said. "What is the report from the ground?"