[quote=Smiral] But you didn't answer the question [/quote] Actually I did, I echoed the same answer they gave. Thanks for trying though. :P [quote=Heisenberg] Your water is breaking. You're about to go into labor.What do you do first?"LolStatusIt" [/quote] You got your answer, if you don't like someone's reasoning for doing something that's your right. But not liking or agreeing with a reason doesn't mean said reason doesn't exist. But for the sake of answering the question just so you can't claim "You're dodging it". (Plus being male, I'll treat this as a hypothetical) I personally probably wouldn't post right off the bat cause I'd be distracted. But sometime between the water breaking and giving birth if for nothing more than a way to reach out to everyone I know at once with the news incase they wanted to get to the hospital and see the baby.