[h2][center][color=00a651]The Orc Grave Swamp Enclave[/color][/center][/h2] To most, the rotting stench that laced the air of the swamp would have been more then enough to drive away the person doing the smelling; To Gredy, it smelt of freedom. For what had to be the first time in years, he woke up without shouting and kicks from some orcish task master in a makeshift hammock that hung above the muddy ground below; When the plan had come together to flee into the night to escape into the swamp, there had been some debate on what to use as bedding. Some of the other goblins had suggested trying to bring bedrolls and such, but Gredy had quickly put his foot down on the idea. Considering that they were going to be fleeing into a swamp were ground and water had a much more interesting relationship then in most other areas, Gredy had argued for the importance of sleeping off of the ground. Thus when they had fled into the night, they took a fair few fishing nets with them. Rolling out of the hammock and placing his feet on the relatively solid ground that he had pitched as his for the time being, he looked around at the various little camps that had sprung up around the area. Considering the nature of the ground that they were on, camps tended to be based around what few areas of high ground that could be found since they were relatively solid and you were less likely to sink into the ground and drown in your sleep. That... needed to change. A settlement here wouldn't work if there wasn't somewhere safe and dry off the ground to store food. At the moment any supplies that were gathered would need to be used right away or the risk of losing them to the swamp was too great! It had taken some discussion, but the idea that was decided upon was simple enough; They needed to make a proper foundation that was raised up and above the swampy ground in order to give them a safe place to not only build their homes, but also to store supplies and food... But before they could do -that-, they needed to know what resources that they had to work with so that they could properly build the best foundations that they could under the circumstances. With his head held high, Gredy stalked his way through the shadows of the swamp in order to find out what was out there. [hider=Summery] The goblins are scouting out their new home in order to find out what kind of resources that they have access too in order to build their new lives around, ranging from trade goods, materials to build with and local sources of food. [/hider]