So I've come to the conclusion that there is a mutation in my brain that triggers whenever I hear or see any mention of Noir so that's what prompted me to have a look at this RP. However I do have some concerns upon reading the introductory post. I see that much time has been dedicated to the explanation of magic and worship and while I'll admit it's very intricate and interesting I'm not seeing where the whole 'Noir' motif fits in other than this RP being set in the 40's. I gave things a thorough read and didn't see any allusion to crime, drugs, gangs, prostitution or any of the other staples of the Noir genre but perhaps I'm missing something given my focus on attempting to comprehend the magic system. I also don't recall ever seeing mention of where this RP will take place. I saw mention of Germany and Europe as a whole but I was specifically looking for a city and a description of current events where the story's characters will start their journeys. To touch again on the magic system I can tell a lot of thought was put into it and the word 'Magic' even makes an appearance in the thread's title but being a stickler for all the details would the RP's characters all be required to use magic? Finally, and I'm going to walk on eggshells here, just to comment on the furry inclusion. I've never been into furrys and moreover never done an RP featuring them but I'm always open and willing to give things a try. However I must ask a quick question regarding their implementation. Of the anthropomorphic works [i]I do[/i] enjoy I've always been a fan of ones where they take an animal's natural abilities into consideration rather than having essentially regular people with an anthropomorphic paint job. For example a character who is an anthropomorphic rabbit would naturally be quick and nimble whilst an anthropomorphic dart frog would naturally have toxic skin and these things are addressed if at least mentioned in the story. So those were my concerns upon giving the original post a read although I will admit it's currently 4am and my mind might not all be there at the moment so feel free to put me in my place if I've blatantly missed something.