Will kept at the pirate. True, he wasn't the type to hurt a woman. In fact, he would usually never even dream of it. And despite the fact the pirate was definitely a woman - she was also a pirate. That meant justice demands he brings her in. He pushed at her. She was good but then again he didn't expect less. For a female to be a pirate, they'd have to be above ordinary. Or else some man might take advantage of them. But Will wasn't too concerned. He was good. Years of practicing and learning everything he could had made him real good. He parried with her as they went. His eyes picked up the slight sign she was injured. He used that to his advantage. He swung down getting the blade stuck in the wood. He pulled at it. Rolling his eyes he pulled another sword from the collection and glanced at the pirate. Will raised an eyebrow at her remark. "You don't really seem the dancing type," he said. He didn't lower his guard but he did decide to give her a fair offer. "How about you surrender and we'll see about getting your injury taken care off." He nodded to her thigh. Her outfit alone was a bit suggestive but he kept his mind on Elisabeth. Now that was a real woman. Beautiful. Intelligent. Caring heart. A bit of a fiery spirit. She was the only girl for him. Though, it would never be. Keeping that out of mind, he kept his attention on the pirate. "I do warn you, I not only make swords but I practice three hours every day with them. I'm not your average blacksmith or even soldier. I'm far more skilled than that." And skill combined with the strength of working at a blacksmith made him very good. Will wasn't the bulk looking type. He was wiry, though underneath his loose shirt was a strong pair of arms. He could easily take on men who were larger than due to his body build. But for those who didn't know him, he was deceptively stronger than he looked.