[@Andromedai] Janek soon followed after them - out of the rest of the grunts here, she was the least 'bare' dressed. Namely in the point, that she didn't wear heavy clunky CMC armor. No, what she was wearing could be qualified as a simple 'vest' - marred by her bright red hair and the cyber-covering on her left arm. One might say, she looked the least dangerous amongst the group - yet like the saying in the Koprulu Sector went - 'the worst packages came with the biggest surprises'. Namely that saying was attributed to Ghosts and zergs - but she could fall under that category. Namely Janek was a spook, not the heavy-duty reign of a Ghost - namely she was a Wrangler. The less-known aspect behind every Ghost Program. Unlike other Ghosts, she couldn't crush bottles with her mind, or go invisible in some bare-covering skinsuit - rather she could detect if they had any spook watching them. Which in essence, was her current role here. Mar Sara was an unknown, and Mengsk liked to stick his Ghosts in the least likely places. A single Ghost could easily wipe out their crew, no matter how badass they were. In addition, she was outfitted to deal with any heavy vehicles they might encounter at this outpost - since Command Centers, were usually heavily defended, since they were filled with all sorts of secrets, goodies and usually an Adjutant. She pulled a scarf to cover her nose and mouth from the debris - before following after the group. Taking her own place, and aiming at the largest target - namely Marauder-suit wearing figure at the center of the place. "Center one...and also no spooks," she said - in an accent, that an Earther would say was Polish.