Hmm. Should I actually edit the post? I feel like it might be metagaming to do that now >.> I would've been more friendly if you didn't say that they would be evil giblin skraelings on Discord. I was expecting them to try something crafty :lol [quote=@Bright_Ops] [@Cyclone] ...I feel like relations between our peoples is going to be... rocky at best. [/quote] Part of the reason that I chose to enslave some goblins was because I thought it'd be an interesting interaction. You're literally right across the river, so doubtless some slaves could escape to the swamp from their viking overlords, just like the original goblins escaped from orcs. Edit: Well perhaps it's not too late. If the first three guys run in and all the goblins freak out and run and it's clear that there is no trap, it might all just turn into a very awkward encounter where Dag negotiates mining rights at swordpoint.