Darkrai's warning went unheeded as the rebellion spread to the other two turned trainers. The tentacled one struck first, her bundle of toxic spikes scattered beneath the specter's floating form. Baleful but tranquil fury glowed in his eye as he held up an arm to block Ella's Venoshock, which dribbled down the limb accompanied by the sound of eggs cooking in a frying pan. Darkrai waited one moment before it began to move forward at a purposeful slow pace. [b][i]”You reveled in it a moment ago.”[/i][/b] The wraith's tone reeked of condescension and incredulity. [b][i]”Did you forget that you can't actually hurt anyone in this dream? You must learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality.”[/i][/b] He waved his hand, and the figure of Jumbles disappeared with the shimmer of a mirage on a hot day. A moment later, Leisy made her pronouncement, and the Darkrai shook with anger. How could these humans be so stupid!? [b][i]”This isn't physical, you imbecile! This is only one facet of the endless fulfillment dreams could bring you. I'm offering you the chance to live lives greater than your own in the hours of night, and you accuse me of manipulation?”[/i][/b] A sudden change entered his body, and if he could have smirked, he would have. [b][i]”You think I'm the bad guy for giving you the power to do what you want, but I know what you want. You want to be a hero. To make a difference. To be respected. Well, you can still prove me right.”[/i][/b] Spreading his arms apart, he dared the trainers to strike him again. [b][i]”If you want out of this place, you'll have to go through me. Use your new power to beat this story's villain down, and make your escape!”[/i][/b] Without any hesitation, Olivie bunched her muscles together to leap forward and attack. However, the cold metallic touch of Bernard's leg against her own forced her to pause. [color=3EB489]”Hold on! Didn't you hear him say that attacking him will prove him right? The only way we can show him we're not who he thinks we are is to abstain.”[/color] Olivie frowned and replaced her hand over her eye. Uncertainty could be seen on her face, making hazy her eagerness to fight. She glanced between the trainers and Darkrai, whose eye gleamed with intent. [color=954535]”But if we don't faint him, we could be stuck in here forever! Unless the morning sun wakes us up, or something.”[/color] Her mind raced. Could she claim victory by merely outlasting the nightmare, by waiting until the sunlight banished the dream? [b][i]”No, no, no.”[/i][/b] Darkrai swiped at the air with his dark talons, dismissing the thought. [b][i]”My Dark Void can keep you here as long as I want. There's only one way out, but you all don't seem eager to fight. Perhaps you're afraid—that no matter what power or resolve you have, you still won't beat me. You're right, of course; now that you've refused my hospitality, I don't think I want to let you go. But you could still try!”[/i][/b] His resounding cackle, full of gleeful malice, filled the air. Swirling energies of black, purple, and red surrounded his hands, and he added, [b][i]”Perhaps you need some encouragement.”[/i][/b] When he pushed his hands outward, a gigantic pulse of dark power blasted out, crashing into everyone present like a wave against the shore. [hider=The Boisterous Bruiser Turned Beauteous Bug] T͞hat's it!̛ Eve͡r̡y̢o̧n͜e͜, o̶ut ̸o͜f ͠t͝h͟e͠ p͢òo͠l͠! [b]Be Advised:[/b] [@Dusksong]'s L͠e̢̧̕í̛ś̷҉y͘ T̢̛ak҉͝a̵͜g̵a̛w̴̕͠ą̀͝ [@LuckyBlackCat]'s El̵͟l͡à̀no͏r҉ ̀B̨e͏a͏̡̀u̸f̵͞ơ̵ŕ̶͢t [/hider]