What an idiot. He had shot the medical bot, the source of all his supplies, so that it was flinging sparks and clunked to the floor. A scowl crossed his face, and he silently picked the busted bot up from the ground. A couple harsh dents, but hopefully the contents were still intact enough to use manually. He muttered a few curses and held the box under his arm, glaring at the attacker from behind his glasses before a shout gathered everyone's attention. Stryker, the commander, had come down to give a little announcement about the fiasco. Tension, being stuck together, something like that. He wasn’t really paying attention. He was glaring at the person who shot his bot in a hissy fit, thinking of how he’d love the guy to get shot or injured so he could strut over and tell him that he couldn’t save him because his bot was busted. He was silent through the lecture, and just as quiet when he loaded onto the ship. The mangled bot was held close to his chest, and he was tampering with it to see what hatches were totally busted and which ones he could open manually. He hardly noticed in his focus when the ship took flight, and remained silent for the intercom conversations. Blah blah, identify yourself, some identity lie, not buying it, going in to fight. He was more absorbed in opening hatches and de-attaching the parts of the bot that still worked. By the time they reached the ground, he figured out how many hatches he could open and the ones he couldn’t. Plus, he’d have to carry the bloody thing now that it was busted. He really wanted to clock the guy over the head for shooting his robot, but he was both too small and would probably get shot first. Ah well, karma will get him. The ship landing jolted him to attention, and he clung his bot to his chest in a nervous fashion and stared at the now opening hatch. He made sure to exit last and remain behind the people who were actually skilled at ripping stuff apart. Without his bot and with only a few easy to handle weapons, he doubted he could do much against robots. People maybe, if he was lucky. He poked his head out from behind whoever went in front of him, watching as Grayson utterly destroyed the bot that entered with a well placed shot. The rest of the placed was utterly destroyed by the blast that let them in, save for the people scrambling off from the blast. Sucks to be them. He didn’t plan to charge in first, and hopefully stay behind others who loved blowing stuff up more instead. That sounded like the safest route for him, the closest thing to an amateur in the group.