[@Mokley]Here's my CS! Hope everything is alright with you. [hider=Johan Von Hochstadt] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UznycBC.jpg[/img] [b]Write your name legibly:[/b] Johan Von Hochstadt [b]Age:[/b] 44 [b]Home Address (or where you might often be found):[/b]Comet-by-the-Sea, Von Hochstadt Estate. [b]Why are you filling out this application?[/b] As a well-renowned researcher, and sometimes hunter, of the abnormally nonhuman, I have ample skill and knowledge in the investigative arts, as well as an encyclopedic memory of the attributes and capabilities of nonhuman races and creatures with distinct contrast from humans and their closely-related species. As I'm at the cusp of old age, I'm not quite able to keep up my usual lifestyle, as it often sees me placed at the forefront of physical battles with creatures and beings. By joining the Tin Dragon, my expertise and skills could still be used for good, with the likelihood of physical altercations going down. [b]What do you know about the Tin Dragon Detective Agency?[/b] At one time, the Tin Dragon was an Alchemist's Guild, well-known for their advances in field research and the subsequent alchemical discoveries. I keep several copies of the various public research within the library at my estate. Nowadays, the Tin Dragon is an investigative agency, often dealing in more supernatural cases. [b]You're investigating the death of a young nobleman at his mansion. His wife tells you he had fallen down drunk after coming home from the pub. The butler tells you he'd never gone out, and simply dropped dead after his tea. The postman tells you he'd seen the young nobleman in an argument with a fairy earlier that day. What do you do next? Why? There is no wrong answer.[/b] Ask the postman if he could direct me to exactly where they were seen arguing, or at least as close to the spot as possible. Search that location for either the fairy or any piece of evidence that can help in tracking down the fairy, and once the fairy is located, question it for information. [b]The officer's son you're sworn to protect and your mother are both hanging from a cliff. You have time to save one before they fall. Which do you save?[/b] The officer's son. My mother, were she still alive, would very likely agree that a child's life is more valuable than a grown woman's, not to mention the completion of a hired job from a respected military official. [b]What is your favorite tea?[/b] A simple black tea, two sugar cubes, if brewed in-cup milk added afterwards, if brewed in a kettle, milk poured first. [b]Please fold this application into an envelope and drop into your city's Tin Dragon tip box before midnight. You will receive our response within the week.[/b] [/hider]