"Frisk Just reset already! Yay, we have gone through this timeline Congratulations! What would it take for you to just reset it have been three years! Now come on! I wanna go back to how it used to be," Chara says standing behind next to Frisk's dresser their arms crossed, "Don't you want to oh I don't know maybe end this bloody timeline already and go back to how this is all supposed to maybe [color=ed1c24]revisit an ending that we haven't done in a while?"[/color] They grin evilly knowing that Frisk would know what timeline they are referencing to. Frisk shakes their head and climbs out of bed walking over to the dresser which Chara was standing by. "Chara we both know that's not going to happen. Everyone is happy besides you for some reason. You're never happy Chara even if Asreil is back and has a physical form," Frisk signs out and huffs before slipping into her normal sweater and grabs their new shoes that were a replica of Papyrus's.