Everyone on the Quest for Flavor seemed to be on edge Toony noticed. What with Will and Vanessa being very untrustworthy of this.. disheveled snake person. Toony could see it, what with the snake person being very nervous, trying to force them all to go somewhere, and well, being overly rude with not taking them into the party. She didn't really care too much one way or the other about Vanessa and her party attire. If it wasn't battle armor she didn't see much use in dressing up short of spy work. Toony wasn't too concerned about the situation, even if things got dicey. It would be a bad time if it ended up this snake guy was trying to jump the group. Well, best way to see if there really was a problem or this guy was just super nervous in general was direct confrontation. [color=00aeef]"So, where are these friends of yours? I'd like to meet them."[/color] Toony said, feigning ignorance. To anyone but a specialist, Toony looked like a normal robot that admittedly could pass off as a cleaning robot. Add in her thin frame and most people assumed she was only armed with cleaning attachments. She had used this information quite a bit in the past, often times surprising any would be attackers when they attempted to tackle her down or use conventional firearms on her. Organics tended to not like being devoured by a nanobot swarm and turned into Gauss or Flamethrower ammo. [color=00aeef]"Oh, and before you ask, no I don't have anything I left on the ship. Got my vacuum right here."[/color] Toony said, pulling one of her hands back into her arm in a mechanical manner (Instead of her normal 'gooey' manner) and turned her arm into a vacuum tube, using this to clean up the nearby area as well as cleaning off their snake friend, the vacuum tending not to react well with his feelers.