[quote=@Holy Soldier] [@Lmpkio] [@Lmpkio]You out-right ignore the rounds that were shot at your character. You also haven't had any clue where the battle was since the last GM post. The rabbit Samus and the others are chasing is on the second floor. How do you access the second floor? The staircase where Luigi is fighting Oswald. You completely ignore ascending the staircase after the rabbit and you ignore the rounds deflected at Samus and the rest of the team. If you leave your post the way it is, then I will be taking over and dictating what happens to your character if it is not fixed. Samus has not passed Oswald. In fact, you don't even mention passing him because you don't even acknowledge him. Oswald is not going to let Samus and the others pass him easily, thus why he used James's rounds to attack her and the group. Please re-read the GM post all the way back to at least the last GM post where the fight between General Brigan and Shadow Knight Oswald first began if you have to and make changes. You have been constantly writing false information such as General Brigan wielding a sword versus a hammer. You're attempting to have Samus use her charge shot on solid stone steps as though you were hoping they were made of wood. This again ignoring the fact that your character would have had to have already ascended the steps just to even pursue the Pooka. [/quote] Ok... it looks we have some complications here. Would've been much better to have let me known a looooooong time ago like after I posted tbh. Now what I thought is this. I thought, Luigi, Slayer, and Varrock were some way of the staircase and how Samus and her group just so happened to bypass them. Now, she DID react to the reflected projectiles regardless, if you didn't see, but I didn't truly realize that everyone was actually walking up the stairs. Whether I simply wasn't paying attention or a complication arisen, I was kinda more on the unaware side. I'll try and fix the post up soon though, so don't go away. Also... Brigan wielding Sword? Did I say that? Again I was also quite sick so there's that. I'll make a major edit soon, so don't worry.