[i]Ugggh I hate travelling...[/i], the thought crossing Lin Yang's mind as she leaned against the wall of the bus. Despite the bus claiming it was "air ride equipped", it seemed like every tiny jolt in the road made her stomach do one more in a LONG line of flips. At least it was a marked improvement over the plane ride that had taken her from her hometown of San Francisco to the biggest city nearest to this little camp she signed up to attend. The entirety of her plane ride had been spent gripping the armrests of the seat, knuckles white and eyes wide with terror. Try as she might, it seemed near impossible to keep her brain from sending her fragments of possible futures: the plane exploding in midair, the plane nosediving in to the ground and her, in the back, surviving and living alone in the wilderness only to die of starvation or disease or being eaten by some wild animal. There was even one scenario where Lin puked and the flight attendants got so mad that they physically tossed her off the passenger jet in midair, letting her fall to her death on impact. She suspected that that last fantasy was purely fear-based, but she didn't discount it. Her power was weirdly unpredictable like that....at least the future part. The past was usually easy to access. The bus hit another bump as it turned on to a dirt road, prompting Yang to look out a window....and immediately made her wish she hadn't. The bus was now offroad, moving at a fast clip towards what appeared to be a very sizable cabin in the woods. When the bus pulled up in front of the cabin's front porch, about a good fifteen feet from it, Lin sighed with relief, clutching her stomach and finally mustering the courage to sit upright. She wondered if her PTSD-induced motion sickness would ever go away. It sure would make traveling easier...especially considering this was the first time she'd ever left Frisco and she was fascinated to live in an entirely different place, or basically an entirely different world as she disembarked the bus, a man and a woman standing side-by-side on the front porch of the cabin, assumed by Lin to be her welcome committee given the way that they were giving her the staredown. Despite her rather lanky 5'7" fairly muscular frame, even Lin seemed taken aback. She raised a black-gloved hand in greeting, mustering as friendly a smile as possible. "Hi!" she said into the (chilly?) morning air, her breath fogging out in front of her. The couple said nothing, but the returning smile they gave sent a small unnerved shiver down Miss Yang's back. She was acutely aware that the brochure claimed the rest of these people were supposed to also have powers. That warning still fresh in her mind, she approached the couple with sure steps, stopping just in front and a wee bit in front of them. The couple spoke in unison. "We, your camp counselors, are so glad you've arrived, Lin Yang! Breakfast has been prepared for you, should you still require it. It and your room awaits you inside. You may be assigned a roommate, so let the other campers get to know you as soon as possible! The typical order of day activities are as follows: breakfast, arts and crafts, sports, lunch, wood skills, competition, supper, fire stories. We hope you enjoy your new home, Lin!" Lin raised her hands, taking a half step back and leaning on that long leg. "Whoa! I wasn't expecting a two-for-one special! Thanks....guys? Guy? Thank you, you two! I mean, sorry. Guess I'd better be heading in now!" She laughed a nervous, full-bodied laugh before quickly bounding around the two presumed counselors and into the well-furnished cabin with the fantastic rug on the floor. Acutely aware of having just been outside, Lin avoided the rug until she had kicked off her boots in the entry way, feeling the smooth wooden floor boards beneath her feet. She took one step towards the fireplace and something sharp poked her foot. "OW! Splinter, splinter, splinter!" She hopped around on one foot until she steadied herself with one hand on the back of a couch, catching her breath.